Chapter 20.

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The sound of the clock ticking was the only sound that could be heard in Tyler's room. He waited ten minutes for the alarm on his phone to go off and when it did he slowly got up and trudged his way to his closet. His hands skimmed the shirts until they stopped; grabbing a random white shirt off the hanger and slid it on. After dressing came breakfast which didn't consist of much, just a handful of raisin brand and a gulp of orange juice.

Ryan, he needed to talk to Ryan as soon as he could.

He left his house without a word; it was empty anyway. The first day back at school, again. This should be interesting, Tyler thought. At least he would have Josh and his friends.

He finally made it to the bus stop and ran where Josh was quickly taking a seat.

"You okay?" He asked him looking worried.

"I'm okay, just not ready for the drama that's going to start because of this."

"I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise."

Those words are what every compatible partner in a relationship wants to hear. "Thank you."

"Of course," He smiled at him. "So the school is throwing a spring dance. Their usually stupid but Dallon always makes a fool out of himself and its funny to watch. If you're up to it would you like to go with me?"

Tyler really didn't like parties. That's never stopped him from going with Josh before. So he smiled, not knowing if he was ready for this or not. "Yes, I will go with you."

After that, it was mostly silent except for a few small talk conversations here and there.  Finally, the bus came to an altar, letting all the kids swarm out and into the building.

Tyler's hands were about raw from tugging them on his backpack straps. Nervous on what had all gotten around, what had all been said it was taking a toll on him. Josh could see it, Ryan could see it, the whole school could see it. All Tyler wanted right now was to be able to talk to Ryan privately.

"You okay?" Josh asked for the fiftieth time that morning.

"Yes," His smile was plastered on. Oh but worry; it doesn't do anything. Just waste your time and energy keeping yourself busy with nothing.

"Just take a deep breath, there aren't as many eyes on you as your brain makes you think."

He nodded, swimming through the thick swarm of people, to his locker. Josh's locker wasn't far but Ryan was right next to his. As soon as the skinny male walked in Tyler practically shouted that he had something he needed to tell him.

Ryan opened his locker, slipped off his black boring bag and shoved it in the small space he had all while doing his best not to spill his coffee. "Tyler, you know I love you which is why I can yell at you. It's currently 7:30 am in the morning. I don't care if the queen of England invited you to her damn tea party, hold your breath and let me process the fact that I have to be in school instead of binge-watch the drag race and then you can talk to me."

"Not even if I'm going to court?"

The other fell silent for a minute, "I'll make an exception but I am not apologizing."

"Wasn't going to ask you too, but will you please go with me so I have a friendly face there."

"Of course. You know never assume the load is strong and the quiet is weak because what you are doing takes a lot of guts. I'm proud of you Joseph, so proud I might buy you Taco Bell. With Spencer's money of course, because I'm broke."

Promise me something (a joshler fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now