3. Breakfast!

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Ages are slightly different ranges, still a baby.

Jeff the Killer

Jeff had no idea what to feed you. He ended up calling Slenderman, who had experience with children, and he came by and dropped off food for you. All Jeff had to do was make you eat it. Easier said than done.

You batted food away and giggled at the mess painting Jeff's face. He only scowled at you but wouldn't dare lay a harmful finger on you ever. He just left you there, taped to the chair I might add, until you finished eating. Without him there, it wasn't fun to throw the mysterious food around and you investigated in other ways.

Which leads to having to get food out from in your nose and overall your face. Not a very pleasant thing for Jeff to handle at all.

Eyeless Jack (E.J)

You were very picky with food, but E.J was a patient man. Almost. You had warmed up to him but was still hesitant about what was put in front of you. You stared at the food and back at the man in the blue mask.

You didn't make any move to grabbing the food or anything. In your mind, the blue mask was bothering you, you couldn't recognize your fellow savior after he had taken his mask off. And you wanted it off again!

He makes an impatient strangled noise and he tosses the food back onto the table. His hands on his mask looking defeated. You giggled happily thinking he was going to take it off.

His masked directed to you for a second then his hand went to slowly take it off, you cheered him on until he had taken the mask fully off. Then you became disinterested in him and started picking at the food.

Ben Drowned

Truth was, you were pretty independent for a baby. Of course, you couldn't just get up and get yourself food, but you ate in a strangely proper manner if the food was given to you.

Ben didn't know this. He had mashed up some food like a "responsible" guardian like he thought he was and tried to feed you himself.

He didn't know you liked doing things one way and one way only. Your way.

You kicked and screamed when he wouldn't let you within reach of the food and refused to open your mouth for the spoon Ben held in his hand. Why couldn't he just understand you wanted to feed yourself?

"Come on, Munchkin! Just have one bite, that's it, please!" Ben begged as he moved the spoon closer to your face. You took your chance and snatched the spoon in the tightest grip a baby could manage and directed the spoon yourself and peacefully ate the food.

Ben was dumbstruck.

Testing something out, he set the food in front of you and you let go of the spoon and dug in.

Ben facepalmed from his stupidity, you probably would have too if you weren't a baby.


He was sitting in the rocking chair and had you in his arms, rocking back and forth. You practically guzelled the bottle of formula.

Sally looked over his shoulder and down at you in awe, "Can I hold him/her?"

Slenderman thought for a moment before nodding. Retrieving the empty bottle from your grabby hands he stood up and gestured Sally to sit. She quickly obeyed, plopping down into the chair without a sound.

He gently rested you in her awaiting arms and stood there for a moment, making sure Sally could handle your squirming before getting another bottle of formula.

He came back to see you asleep. Sally grinning while she hummed a small tune, also rocking back and forth in the chair.

He walked over and set the formula on the bedside table, "I'll leave it to you, make sure you're careful with him/her."

Sally nodded, her gaze still on you and Slenderman slipped out of the room for a short time being. He trusted you with Sally.

Throughout his day he had been taking mental notes about you. You were starting to be a little more noisy, which is good. You've finally got some color in your cheeks, and your breathing is getting better. You also really liked the rocking chair, he'd have to make you a smaller one for when you got a little older.

He couldn't wait to watch you to grow up.

Ticci Toby

You didn't like the sight of food. Toby couldn't tell why, but you pouted as it was put in front of you.

"You got-t to eat sometime, I'm not letting you... you leave until you at least have a bite."

You had no idea what he was saying but the tone of voice was not something you liked. Tears pricked your eyes as you let out a cry. Slowly graduating building to loud wails.

Toby sighed in defeat and pulled you up from your high chair and held you to his chest. You rested your head on his shoulder and cried your heart out.

"I don't want to upset you but you need to eat. But we'll let it go for now, but we... we are coming back to this." His statement turned stern at the end.

You cuddled more into him as he took the time to cheer you up. Also, successfully managing you to eat a bite of food, only to throw it up later...


OMG, I was spelling Ticci Toby and guess what it autocorrected it to? GUCCI TOBY. I'm dying. And wow, I didn't expect this story to get so popular so quickly. I mean I'm only at 70 ish reads but still.

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