Chapter Thirteen- What's That Nasty Smell?

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"And he really dumped the water on you?" Leelee's eyes were wide.

"Yes Leelee, he did." I plunged my hand into the popcorn bowl. We were currently having a Marvel marathon and Captain America was the movie we decided to begin with. He was tied for my favourite with Iron Man.

"Well I'll tell you little Charcoal, you have your hands full with Calu." she reached across and rubbed my back like a mother would. Leelee was like a mother and a best friend all wrapped up in one she-wolf. She started out as my nanny, but we quickly became friends as I got older.

"Why?" I curled up in my pillow mound as Captain America jumped over the flaming pit.

"Is Cale very serious?" Leelee raised her eyebrows.

"Well, no bu-"

"Well is he not an Alpha?" Leelee crossed her arms.

"Yes he is. I don't see where you're going with this." I turned away from the tv to look at Leelee.

"Calu is like a giant pup with a protective side. He always plays with the pups and he is always goofing around on tractors, or four wheelers, or seadoos, or skidoos, or in trucks." Leelee smiled. "And pranks. Calu lives to pull pranks. Once he switched Daniel's shampoo with permanent red hair dye. Daniel was a good sport and I dyed the tips of my hair red to match him."

"Sounds like your pack is fun Leelee." I said smiling.

"Don't you mean your pack Ashes?" The boys walked in; Calu, Daniel, Cale and Rainer. "You are the Luna."

Rainer was sulking on a beanbag, why, I don't know. I snuggled deeper into the pillows as Daniel laid beside Leelee, rubbing her baby bump. Cale stretched out along our recliner. Calu went to sit by me but I was in my cocoon of comfort as I liked to call it.

Calu picked me and my bundle of blankets up, then sat down in my little divot in the pillows. He sat me on his lap.

"Captain America, cool." Calu tucked my head under his. "You know, the new one's coming out soon."

"Yeah." I said. "What's your point?"

"Dumbass." Rainer mumbled. Calu growled and Rainer whimpered.

"Would you like to go to an early screening with me?" My jaw dropped.

"Uh, yes!!!" I yelled. I wiggled my head to the side and kissed him straight on the lips. My first kiss! Ahhhh! 'Your inner dialogue is cute' Calu said during my kiss.

I blushed as Cale growled "So I take it you made up?"

"More like made out." Rainer said.

"What?" Cale yelled.

"Did you not just see that kiss?" Rainer asked.

"Oh." Cale said.

"Actually they washed the truck." Leelee said. "And had a small water fight."

"And you know this how?" Calu asked laughing.

"Me." I mumbled. Everyone laughed and watched the rest of our marathon together.


Calu and I were out for a walk through the forest surrounding the underground pack house. I took a deep breath in expecting to smell the evergreens. I didn't.

"Calu, what's that terrible smell?" he took a deep breath in. His eyes went wide. He turned to me, but I cut him off with my scream.

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