Chapter Twenty Five- I Have A Jackass For A Mate

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"What did you do?" Calu asked softly when I woke up at eight at night.

"Uh, faerie magic." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"No shit Sherlock." Calu said sarcastically.

"Eff you Watson!" I said back laughing. Calu growled. I smiled.

"How, did you, manipulate, faerie magic?" Calu said emphasizing each word.

"I may or may not be the first ever second generation fae wolf. And the first with powers." Calu's jaw dropped.

"Can you, can you show me something?" Calu asked with awe.

I opened my hand like I was catching rain. I summoned a flame onto my palm. I bumped it into the air and surrounded the tiny flame with water. Calu watched mystified. I looked at him and smiled.

I gently touched my finger to the wall and wrote in cursive. Vines spelt out my letters.


Calu smiled. I smiled back and stood.

"Calu, this is important." I started. He stared into my eyes. "No one can know."


"It'll put me in danger." I jutted my hip out. "No one Calu."

"Okay. I just wanted to brag anyway." I sighed.

I stretched my arms outward and pulled all the evidence of my little show inward. Figuratively. Kind of. It was basically absorbed into my being. Almost. I don't know. Whatever.

"So do you have wings?" Calu asked.

"Don't know." I answered shrugging.

"Pink hair?"

"Nope." I shook my head.

"A really short tutu that shows off you fantastic legs that comes with a bikini top that you would only wear around me?"

"You're delusional." I laughed.

"I may be delusional, but I'm your delusional mate." I walked over to Calu and gave him a hair ruffle. He grinned and ruffled my hair.

"Hey! I worked hard on my hair this morning!" I didn't really.

"I know you didn't and besides, you have bed head." I blushed.

"Can we go eat?" I asked.

"Sure!" Calu grinned.

I leaped onto Calu's back for a piggy back ride. "To the kitchen!" I yelled a battle cry.

I heard a giggle from the door way. Kayla was watching us.

"Me too! Me too!" she squealed. She jumped on the bed and then onto my back.

So now Kayla was on my back who was on Calu's back. We were a regular old dog pile. Literally.

When we reached the kitchen, the other six of Calu's sisters attacked us. Well dog piled but same difference.

I wriggled out and raided the fridge grabbing two left over steaks and bolting. I ran to our room and ate my meat.


When Calu came back his shirt was torn in a few places and I was putting on a face mask that I found in a drawer in the bathroom. Calu's eyes got a mischievous glint.

"Ashes, did you find that in my bathroom?" He asked me.

"Yeah, why?" I asked checking to see if the mask was dry.

"Nothing, but you're beautiful you know that?" he smirked.

"Thanks." I said suspiciously. "What do you want?"

"Just to tell you that that was one of my prank face masks for my sisters." He started to laugh. I shot up and ran to the bathroom. As I was peeling the mask off, the colour stayed on my face.

"Jackass." I said.

"Sorry." Calu pouted. "I-" I smashed my lips to his. He eagerly kissed back. I pulled away. He started to rub something that would get the colour off of my skin.

"Baby, why's your shirt torn?" I asked.

"You left me with my seven sisters in a dog pile and then they decided to see if they could overpower an Alpha." He snorted. "Ever since I accidentally broke Marnie's nose I'm not allowed to fight back. They won."

"Which one is Marnie again?" I asked.

"The youngest triplet."

"Thanks." I smiled. Calu reached behind me and then spread saving cream all over my face.

"Calu dammit!" I yelled. "You're making me crazy!"

Kayleigh walked in. "Oh good. I thought you were busy." I blushed.

"No he keeps pranking me." I whined.

"Welcome to the family." We laughed.

"Did you need to tell me something?" Calu asked.

"Yeah, quiet down people are getting ready for bed!" She playfully shouted while leaving.

I changed into pajamas then crawled into bed, cuddled up to Calu and kissed him gently on the lips. I curled into him and fell asleep.

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