Chapter Twenty Six- I Am

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I woke up the next morning in a good mood. I jumped out of bed ready to conquer the day. Well I tried.

Calu was laying with his shoulders across my tummy. His head was tilted back, cradled in the curve of my waist. Calu flipped and now his chin dug into the tender spots on my sides. I squealed and he moved his face around.

"Stop!" I yelled. "Ow, hahaha, ow, ha! Ow!" Calu stopped. He knelt and checked me for wounds. I laughed because he tickled me. He tickled me some more.

Suddenly I sat up stick straight. I pushed Calu onto the bed. A wooden stake shot through the window. I summoned Earth and stopped the wood before it could penetrate my throat. Calu growled and went towards the window.

"Filthy, bloodthirsty-"

"CALU! Language!" I yelled. I knew in what direction his sentence was heading and it was a b-word that didn't end in an itch.

"Are you okay?" Calu walked over to me and I let the stake fall. A letter fell out.

"I'm fine. Read the letter." he gave me a look. "Please?"

" Ahem, 'Juiceboxes,'" he read. We snorted. "'Your precious leader has killed ours. His daughter thirsts for your Mate's blood. Literally. You won't always be together. We can catch your Mate little Alpha. Watch. Your. Back.'"

They want me. They want me to die. I looked at Calu with frantic eyes. I didn't want to die. I don't want to die. I won't die.

'No, you won't. I won't let you.' Calu said. 'We need to tell my parents.'

'Okay, where are they?' Calu nodded his head towards the door.

'Around the corner, eight doors down.' I nodded and we set off.

We reached the room and opened the door. We were stampeded by seven girls known as Calu's sisters.

"You're marked!" Sadie yelled.

"What?" Fawn screamed.

"How did it feel?" Dawn asked.

"Shut up!" Marnie yelled.

"Gee, what's up your-" Winnie said.

"Pardon?" Marnie interrupted.

"Ass." Winnie said. "What's. Up. Your. Ass?"

"Oh you did not go there." Marnie said.

"Oh I did." Winnie said while I stood in front of them with wide eyes. Marnie attacked Winnie. I gasped.

Marnie had Winnie pinned. Gertrude, Ryder, the girls and Calu looked bored. Marnie wound her arm back to hit. I growled not liking that she was going to hit her little sister.

"Don't." I growled. Marnie stopped, shocked. "Respect your siblings." Marnie whimpered and showed submission. I blinked and all seven girls left the room. Calu and his parents looked at me astounded. I shrugged and smiled.

"So Ryder, we found this letter." I said handing him the paper. "What do you think?"

"Well, why don't you go with Gertrude to the spa, and I'll talk with Calu."


"Ashlyn," Ryder drew my name out.

"Fine." I mumbled. Gertrude left expecting me to follow her.

Before I left I pressed my lips to Calu's and kissed him. He squeezed me into a tight hug. When Calu put me down I started to walk away when Calu slapped my butt.

I turned around with my eyebrows raised. Calu made a shooing motion with his hand. I gave him a one fingered salute and his Dad laughed. I left before the shock even reached Calu's face.
It's three now and I can honestly say, we spent seven hours in the spa. I will also admit that the only reason we left, was because Calu needed me.

"You needed me Honeycake?" I said.

"Honeycake?" Calu asked.

"Eh, I'm trying it out." I responded.

"Okay..." Ryder said. "Um, back to why you're here, the letter isn't addressed to Calu."

"What?" I asked.

"You were the one who killed the leader, from what Calu told me." Ryder said. I nodded. "And secondly, Calu is not a 'little Alpha.'" I laughed.

"So what are you trying to say?" I asked.

"Ryder, let's leave these two along." Gertrude stated. They snuck out of the room.

"Ashes?" Calu said. "You're not in danger of being killed."

"But it threatened... Who is... Oh goddess..." It dawned on me.

"Ashes, I am."

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