Chapter 2

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When the bell rings, the teacher slowly stands up, not taking his eyes off of me. He walks around his desk and leans against the front of it. He lays his hands against the wooden desk and gives the class a huge smile. My cheeks heat up as he makes eye contact with me again.

"Welcome back students! My name is Mr. Jacobs, I will be your chemistry teacher this year. Mr. Hart retired last year. Now how about everyone tell me your name and a little bit about yourself. Let's start with you.." he points to a kid close to him.

As the rest of the class says their name and something about them, I try to not look at Mr. Jacobs.

"Young lady, in the back corner?", Mr Jacobs looks at me smiling but smirking with his eyes. I look around the class before I pull myself together, and act like I am not bothered by this man.

"My name is Ashton Niko, I'm 18 and I just moved here.." I say calmly and make sure I don't waver.

"Isn't Ashton a boys name?" The blonde bimbos say in unison. Students start to chuckle, I look at the two girls who are smirking back at me.

"Charlie, Dakota! Ashton is a common name for girls but I have heard more boys name Charlie and Dakota then I have heard boys named Ashton." Mr. Jacobs winks in my direction. The two bimbos I now know as Charlie and Dakota, look at the teacher in shock. I chuckle and they both glare at me. I smirk back, pull out a notebook and start writing down the notes Mr. Jacobs is writing on the board.

I feel a jab in my side, and look over at a rugged looking boy with black hair leaning towards me.

"Hey, don't worry bout them. They think they own the place because their dad's are rich and two of the most important men around here. Sweetheart they ain't got nothing on you." He says with a wink, and I roll my eyes ignoring him.

"Hey, I'm just trying to make conversation."

"By hitting on me? Yea so original man" I start writing the notes down again, I look up in time to catch Mr. Jacobs staring at me then he looks to the guy still trying to talk to me.

"Brandon walker! Is there something you need to share with the class?" He says sternly, looking at the boy beside me. I almost feel bad for him, he alerts his eyes for a second before he collects himself.

"Well, Mr. Jacobs I was just talking about how beautiful our new class mate is, she is so beautiful I'm at a loss for words" he sighs dramatically, covering his heart with his hand.

"Well, Brandon she is quite extravagant." He looks at me softly, "but please do pay attention."

I feel my cheeks heat up because now all eyes are on me. I am getting the usual looks from the guys and and even some girls are admiring me, most of the girls are glaring at me so I mask over my embarrassment with a smirk and go back to doing my work. I look over and notice Brandon watching me, I smirk and decide to ignore him.

By the time the bell rings I have already wrote three different pages of notes with my own side notes on what the teacher was wrong about certain problems. I'm not a slacker in school, I never make anything below an A. That's why most people in my old school hated me, other than their significant other trying to get with me, I was on my way to valedictorian. Well until I started fighting.

But I hadn't always been this way, before I started ignoring everybody and fighting everybody for the things they would do and say, I had someone. His name was Marcus, he acted sweet all the time. Always made me feel safe, and beautiful but he also was apparently making others feel the same way. He had hazel eyes and a gorgeous smile. He had  blonde almost reddish hair, he was also one of the rich kids. Well, one day I went to his house to study with him and his mom told me to go on up to his room after I told her he was expecting me. When I got outside the door, I heard noises but didn't think anything until I opened the door and found Marcus on top of my only friend in school. He was driving it in her like his life depended on it. It didn't hurt me though, not one bit actually.

I stood there and waited till the bed was soaked from their sweat and they were both gasping for air before I done anything. When they both finally noticed me sitting there I laughed. They looked at me in shock as if I wasn't supposed to be there.

Ash what are you doing here?

Ash it's not what it looks like, Marcus is just my friend..

Then I walked out still laughing, and that's when the rumors began. Everyone began saying I stole marcus from my friend. Then they would say I was stealing everyone's boyfriends. Some even said I was pregnant. Yea that one was hilarious, I must be the virgin Mary.

"Mrs. Niko, may I speak with you for a moment?" Mr. Jacobs says sternly.

"Yes sir, what did you need?"

"How old do you think I am? And call me Cole, please." He smiles, making me avert my gaze. His question confused me, why would he ask me that?

"Um, you like you could be between 20-25 Mr- I mean Cole"

"Well, well, well your good. I am 23, and how old are you Ashton" he says my name slowly as if he is tasting a very smooth wine for the first time. I gulp, getting a little flustered.

"I-im 18"

"Hmm, we'll don't be late to your class Ashton." He winks walking away.

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