Chapter 41

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Travis's POV

I watch the flat screen on my wall as I lay in bed, I have been in my room since I got back from the ice cream shop. I can't count the amount of times I have found myself crying since I got home. I know it's not manly, but when the girl you love loves another man, and you know she is meant to be with him there isn't much else you can do. I wipe my eyes again, and I just want to be happy for her. I look down at my body, I still have multiple bandages on my body and they still hurt like hell. This is why I have to be happy for her. She is safe with him, I know he will take care of her. If I find out he doesn't then that's a different story, but I know he is a good kid.

Even if Ashton wanted to be with me, she doesn't even know my real age. I keep certain things about me secret so that I don't end up getting killed because of the gang.

That's why I can't be with her..

I keep telling myself that I need to let go, I need to let her be happy. It's so hard, I wish I could have been the one who made her feel that way.

I slam my fist against the wall beside my bed. It wasn't a wise choice, I soon here knocking on my door. I wipe my eyes again before I stand up, and walk over to the door.

"What is it?" I say through the door, not opening it.

"Dude why are you locked up in your room?" I hear Dylan say from the other side. I slowly open the door, and he looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"I just wanted to be alone.." I croak out, I look down at my self and frown.

"Travis, you never want to be alone.. can I come in? You can talk to me about it." He waits for me to open the door farther. I let him in and walk back over to my bed and sit against the wall. Dylan shuts the door, and then flops down on my bean bag chair.

"Come on T, spill it." He says quietly, making sure no one can hear him if they are outside.

"Ashton... man I told myself not to do this.. I told myself that I could never be with her because I would just put her in harms way. I know Vinny is everything she needs and wants.. I know she loves him, if she didn't then she wouldn't have gave herself to him.. she was a virgin, I'm not sure if he was too but he probably was.. Cole told me he had never kissed a girl till Ashton.. Is it bad that I wish I could have been the one? The one that made her feel that way, the one that got to hold her close to me and give her everything.. she doesn't even realize that I would kill anyone that hurts her.." I have to stop myself, I can't hold the tears back and at this moment I feel so broken. I have never had anyone make me feel this way, but I don't want to be like Brandon and go sleep with everything. I don't want any other girl, I would rather be by myself for the rest of my life.

"It's not bad bro.. I kind of guessed that something had happened between them but I didn't say anything about it because I know Brandon would have lost it.. and I agree that he is good for her, but I also know for a fact that if you weren't in this gang you would be even better for her T... I'm not telling you to move on because I know that you wont.. just don't give up hope. You never know what the future will bring Travis.." Dylan says looking at me seriously. He walks over and pats me on the back before walking to the door. "And Travis I won't tell any one I promise."

"Thanks man.." I say as he walks out of my room shutting the door behind him. I decide to turn on my music, to drown out my mind. And I feel like my phone hates me as it goes to a song that reminds me of Ashton. I don't change it though, instead I put it on repeat and listen to it until I fall asleep.

Brandon's POV

I hit the punching bag as hard as I can, and continue to pound into the leather. I can feel the heat of my knuckles as they connect with the bag over and over again. I decided I needed to work out when we got back from the ice cream shop, I needed to stretch my muscles. I hear my phone ringing on the floor beside our weights. I stop punching the bag, and walk over and bring the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I say slightly out of breath.

"Hey Brandon can you come and get me? My father has a tracking device on my car and I need to go see Paisley." Damian says on the other end.

"Sure, where you at?"

"I'm at the mall, I just got here so he will think I will be gone for a little while. I'll see you soon." Damian says before he hang up.

I throw some different clothes on and grab my keys. I run up stairs and let the boys know I am going to the mall, I don't tell them the truth so they don't get in trouble for lying if Boss finds out. I run downstairs and grab my switchblade out of our safe just in case something happens. I walk to the front door, and open it.

"Where do you think you are going in such a rush? I just got here.." Boss says stopping me in my tracks.

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