Chapter 75

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Unknown POV

I stand back and watch as they all come and go from the hospital. The nasty little varmints, I will kill them all.

How dare they go on with their lives, after they killed my little girl..

I was in it for the money, until they killed my only daughter.

They killed her over some filthy girl..

Now, I don't care who gets in my way.

That little bitch is going to die.

And her precious baby.

Ashton's POV

I wake up to a dimly lit room, and automatically search for my Vincent, and Gabriella. I find Travis sitting in the reclining chair, holding my babies. Brandon is sitting in the floor against the far wall with his eyes closed.

"You're a natural.." I say, as he holds may babies close. He looks up at me, and smiles, I can't help but begin to melt at the scene in front of me.

"I can definitely see Vinny in them.. but I can also see you, they both have your nose. Gabriella is already stubborn though, she didn't want to sleep in my other arm, so I had to switch her and Vincent, then she was fine." He laughs, "Although, they did try to separate them earlier to run some tests, and they both screamed until they put them back together."

I smile at his words, and I become overwhelmed with happiness and begin to cry.

"Please don't cry.." Travis stands up slowly, and walks over to the bed. He motions for me to scoot over, and I slide to the other side of the bed letting him sit down beside me with the babies.

I lean against him and he hands me Vincent, I lay him against my chest before he hands me Gabriella. After I have them both against my chest he stands up, and snaps a picture. I'm sure I looked completely awful in the picture, but I know I had the biggest smile.

He sits back down beside me, wrapping an arms around my shoulders. He kisses the top of my head, and smiles down at me.

"Vinny would be so proud of you.." he whispers, and I nod knowing he is right. I lean into his side, and honestly in this moment I feel like everything will be alright.

It doesn't feel like hours that me and Travis enjoy the company of these lovely babies, but a doctor walks in not long after we see the sun begin to rise outside the window of my room. I have already fed my twins, and changed their diapers for the first time. Although Travis, looked like he was about to throw up. My babies seem to be very happy, they don't cry at all. Unless you have them apart for too long.

"Ms Niko how are you feeling?" The doctor asks, as I lay the babies down in one bed instead of laying them separately. The doctor shakes his head at this, but doesn't correct me.

"I'm feeling fine, not really any pain at all.. just ready to get rid of this." I pat my stomach, that's the only down fall of pregnancy.

It took away my toned stomach.

I look up at Travis, and he isn't in the slightest bit amused. We here shuffling, and look over at the corner of the room. Brandon slowly stands up, and I notice how he has slight stubble on his chin. He stretches, walking over to the twins instantly.

"Hey Vin, hey Gabbi.." he says, looking down at them with a smile.

"So they already have nicknames, huh?" Travis says to Brandon, they both laugh.

"Of course, and they shall know I was the awesome one to come up with them." He smirks, walking over to us.

"Ms Niko, we all agree that your babies, though they are two months early. They are very healthy, and we think you should be able to go home today if the tests we run come back ok. Does that sound good to you?" The doctor says, smiling at me.

"That sounds wonderful!" I say excitedly, Travis grins at me.

"Let me go make sure we have everything we need to take them home. I'll be back soon." Travis says, hugging me before he walks out the door. The doctor follows behind him, and soon nurses come in to take the twins so they can run more tests.

It's only me, and Brandon left in the room.

"Thank you for being here B, it means so much to me." I say, walking over to the bed to sit down.

He walks over, and sits beside me.

"I know I haven't been there for you like I should have been through your pregnancy.. but Travis was right.. I love you, but I don't understand what love truly is. And instead of being patient with you, all I have ever done was run and sleep with someone to get over the argument.. I'm not proud of that, and I don't blame you if you hate me for that. That's why I went to tell Cole what happened between me and his sister. I'm trying to change, and as much as I wish that was enough for you to be mine.. I know it's not, and I am coming to terms with that." He says, and I listen to his every word.

He turns towards me, and before I realize it he presses his lips firmly against mine. He pulls away after a second, and I am stunned by it.

"I am completely ok with being the annoying best friend that occasionally flirts with you, and let's your babies call me Uncle B. And if one day you decide to give me a chance, then we will see how it goes." He smiles at me.

"Brandon, don't wait for me.. I don't want you to stay single forever thinking that one day I will eventually come to you. You deserve to be happy, and if one day I do give you a chance then great, but if you are in a relationship by that time.. well then.. I'll be completely ok with being the annoying best friend, that hits you every time your being a jerk.." I smile at him, and he wraps his arms around my shoulders.

I hug him back, and this feels right.

"I love you Ash.."

"I love you too B.."

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