Chapter 64

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Travis's POV

I keep walking backwards to the guard station, but the person in front of me isn't stopping.

"You thought I would just stand by and let you kill one of my best men?" The rival gang leader says, his voice is deadly and I know exactly what he is going to do.

"Take care of your own, that's what all gangs go by right?" I say, putting my hand behind my back as I feel my back hit the button on the wall. I hear a buzz, and soon he jumps at me. I swing my fist out quickly, and it makes his head whip to the side as it connects. He easily has a hundred pounds on me, and he uses that to his advantage as he tackles me to the floor. I recover quickly and knee him in the groin, he growls and puts his hands around my throat.

I feel his grip tighten, I swing my knee up hard and knee him in the groin. He groans, but instead of letting me go he punches me hard in the side of the face before he begins to choke again.

"Knock it off!!" I hear, before the guy on top of me gets shot by a taper. It doesn't faze him, instead he continues.

I can't breath anymore..

Everything is going dark..

The hands I was using to push him away, aren't very strong as my vision gets darker and darker.

Ashton's POV

I look at the little screen beside me, as the woman runs the device over my stomach with the cold gell. I look over at Cole who is sitting beside me, I made him come with me today because Brandon had stuff he had to do, and Travis couldn't just leave prison to be here.

'Yea, I gotta go see my friends ultra sound today. She is finding out what she is having so I'll just see you guys in a couple hours..'

Yea I could totally see him saying that, and also see them laughing in his face.

"So are you ready to find out what you are having?" The nurse asks, she has a big smile on her face, and it makes me nervous.

"Y-yes, I'm ready.." I choke out, I feel Cole grab my hand and hold it tightly.

She moves the little probe over my stomach and finds the first baby.

"Congratulations Ms Niko, baby A is a little boy!" The woman smiles at me, and I feel the tears prick my eyes, and Cole tightens his grip on my hand smiling at me.

She moves the probe once more finding the other baby quickly.

"Ooh, this one is definitely more stubborn.." she says gently pressing down to get the baby to move. "There we go.. Congratulations Baby B is a little girl."

It hits me hard, and I feel the tears streaming down my face.

"Your boy is definitely going to be your go getter, I can already tell your little girl will be stubborn.." the nurse laughs, and I chuckle slightly still crying.

"Kind of sounds like you and Vinny, your to stubborn for your own good Niko.." Cole gives me a small smile, and he is right. My little boy will be the one to try to make everyone smile just like Vinny, when I am sad he moves around alot as if to tell me everything will be ok. My little girl is very stubborn, she never wants to move and doesn't like change, but when I'm sad it's like she will move just enough to tell me she already loves me.

I look at the pictures of their faces and they both have my nose, they aren't identical, but they definitely look alot alike already.

They have Vinny's lips, and my little boy grins like him. My little girl gets the same angry face as him. Though they haven't been born yet, I feel like they both are going to look just like him.

Cole drives on the way home, and all I can do is look at the pictures. I feel a jolt in my stomach, and I know it is my little boy. He is so active, and sometimes I wonder if my little girl will begin being active like him.

"We are being followed.." I hear Cole whisper, I look in the rear view mirror.

He is right, there is a dark blue sedan behind us. It is keeping up with us as Cole tries to speed slightly.

"Who do you think it is?" I ask, my hand going to my bump protectively.

"I don't know, but I know they sent someone knew to find you.. someone no one knows.." he says as he stops at a red light. The cars windows are black so you can't see who is driving other than the pale skin and the dark sunglasses they are wearing.

"I can lose him hear, if you trust me.." Cole says, I nod and soon he is running the red light and dodging the cars turning. The car behind us attempts to do the same but stops abruptly before a car can hit it. Soon Cole is going down numerous side roads, and I have no idea where we are.

"Cole where are we? Did we lose them?" I stammer, scared that someone will hurt my babies. I will do what ever it takes to protect my babies, but there isn't much I can do when it comes to a bullet.

I know that, because even if I had been outside that day. The only thing I could have done was got in front of Vinny, but I couldn't have done that because then I would have taken everything from him. I would have risked two other lives not just my own.

You can stop a bullet..

"I think we may have lost them.. I haven't seen signs of him anywhere." He says looking behind us.

"Why are they so determined to get me?" I say trying not to cry.

"Don't worry about that all that matters right now is that they don't follow-" Cole gets cut off as a car whips in front of us. He hits the brakes, and I lurch forward putting my hands against the dashboard. It's the dark blue sedan, the door opens up and I see a pink converse step out before I see someone with red hair stand up out of the car.

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