Chapter 69

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Travis's POV

I wait in the waiting room for atleast four hours, the doctor hasn't came out to tell anyone anything since they took her back for surgery. Damian is doing fine he is in a room already, but I haven't went back. I want to be here when the doctor finally comes out.

"You know, I always wanted to see you again.. the last time I saw you was when you were just little. To young to remember me, but I remember when you were born. My mother had already left our father.. though she stayed in contact with your mother." Alex says as he sits down beside me.

"He always hit me when he was drunk.. said I would never be Alex.. I didn't know what he meant till now.. when I saw you that night after I beat the shit out of Marcus, I knew that was you in the pictures he had hidden in his room.." I say looking at the hospital floor.

Alex is about to say something when a door opens, a tall man walks out in a surgeon outfit. He looks around before he sees everyone sitting together, I jump up and walk over to him.

"Is she ok? Are the babies ok?" I ask hurriedly, he gives me a smile and it puts me at ease.

"She is doing fine, very stubborn though, she refused to get any medicine so the babies 'wouldn't be addicted to drugs'" he says using air quotes, "I will say she is pretty tough though, and so are the babies. She will be able to leave soon, she also refused to stay the night so we had no choice." He chuckles slightly, and I can't help, but smile.

"Can we see her?" I ask, looking back at everyone. Everyone is looking eagerly at the doctor, and I lock eyes with Brandon. There is alot of emotion in his eyes, and I feel my chest tighten.

This entire time I haven't thought about the fact that Brandon loves her too. I'm sure he wanted to be the one to run to her, and take her to the hospital. The entire time I have been gone she has been all I could think about. All I have wanted to think about.

"Yes, she is in a discharge room now. You all can go back." He says with a smile as he shows us the way. I hang back, and wait for Brandon to walk up beside me.

"Look Brandon-" I begin to say, but he cuts me off.

"Travis.. I know you love her, it's more obvious than you realize. And honestly I don't have a problem with you being with her, but I also don't want you to get your hopes up.." Brandon looks at me seriously, and I feel my chest tighten.

"If Ashton doesn't want to be with me it will hurt, but all that matters is she is safe and happy. And I know that if she didn't want me, I could survive with out anyone because as long as I am close to her as a friend where I can protect her and see her happy is enough for me.." I look at the floor, and although I am very much a man I feel like a let down child as I look at the floor. "Plus, if she decided to give you another chance, I wouldn't get in your way.. but you best believe me if you were to hurt her again I would kill you.. well maybe just hurt you really bad to the point you would rather be dead.."

Brandon laughs at my comment, and for a second it feels like old times. It doesn't feel like in a few moments we are going to see the girl that we are both hopelessly in love with.

"He is still out there though.. we aren't out of the woods yet.. and Boss is still after her as well. She won't be safe until they are no longer a threat." Brandon says quietly making sure no one else can hear.

"We can think about that later. Right now let's just see our girl.." I say before walking into the big discharge room.

                      Ashton's POV

I rub my hand over my stomach, and feel a couple little jolts. I smile to myself knowing that before to long I will get to see these little beautiful babies.

I look up when I see multiple people walking into the discharge room I am sitting in. My mom practically jumps on me as she hugs me almost cutting off my air supply.

"I'm ok mom! I love you too.." I say and she finally let's me go. The next one to squeeze me is Cole, and I squeeze him back.

"I threw up on him.." I say, now finding the humor in the situation. Cole begins to laugh, and hugs me again.

"That's my girl.." he whispers ruffling my messy hair.

Alex walks over next and gives me a quick hug.

"You know you are all she talks about anymore.." he winks before walking away. I smile at him, and know exactly what he is talking about.

"Where is Travis? Where is Brandon?" I say and as soon as the words leave my mouth I see Travis walk through the door. I can't help but feel my stomach flip as I meet his eyes, he smiles at me causing me to blush.

I see Brandon walk in behind him, he smiles at me instantly making me chuckle. They both come to stand on either side of me, and at the same time they both wrap their arms around me. I can't help but laugh, and I feel a jolt of pain from my shoulder. I ignore it, smiling up at both of the boys.

"I so happy to see the both of you together. I have big news, that is definitely happier than thinking about me getting shot and kidnapped." I joke, everyone looks at me and I look at Cole. He smiles back at me as if to say go ahead.

"I'm going to have a little boy, and a little girl!" I say excitedly, and everyone begins to cheer and I look up at Travis and I see the biggest grin on his face.

Maybe everything will be alright.

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