Chapter 15

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"I did not cheat! You were the one that chose to put your piece there!" I defend my self against Vinny's accusations.

"Yes you did, you jumped two spaces!"

"Nope, you lie!"

"Girl I'm gonna-"

"You're gonna what?" I question him with a smirk, while laughing. Instead of responding he leaps across the board and knocks me on my back while he tickles me. I can't help but laugh as he tickles my most ticklish spots.

"Stop, stop I can't breath!" I say through laughing.

"Not until you admit you cheated!" He continues to tickle me. I can feel him chuckling against my back as he has me pinned while he continues to torture me by tickling me. I try my hardest to flip my self, and succeed but soon realize I have put myself in a different predicament. He is lying halfway on top of me, and he has full access to my stomach now. He grins before he starts tickling me even more. He starts to say something when we here laughing on the other side of his bedroom door.

He quickly gets up, pulling me up with him.

"Ohhhh, vinnnnyyyyyy!" Someone hums through the door.

"Vinny, you know it's not nice to hide people from us!" A different voice says.

"Come on Vincent, you don't have to be scared to introduce your first girlfriend!" The third voice sounds strangely familiar, I look at Vinny but he is covering his face clearly embarrassed.

"Come on guys, we are just hanging out! You sound like we are already married.." Before he can say anything else the door burst open and I see three men walk in two of them in very nice suits. The first man, he has to be Vinny's dad considering they look just alike other than the fact he is about 30 years older. The second man, I will assume is his uncle due to the close resemblance. You can tell he is probably about ten years older than Vinny's dad. And the the third man, is none other than my first period teacher. Mr Jacobs.

"Well, she is quite lovely Vinny, I am Vinny's father Xavier Black, what is your name darling?" Vinny's dad says kissing my hand.

"My name is Ashton.." I say nervously.

"Well, Ashton this is my brother Isaac Jacobs. He took my mother's maiden name, to keep her name going. And this boy beside us is Cole." He says introducing me to his brother and nephew.

"We already know each other, uncle.." Cole says looking between me and Vinny. I start to feel nervous as he stares at me a little too long.

"Oh, let's leave these two love birds alone then. Come on Isaac, Cole." Mr Black says walking out of the room. His brother follows, but Cole stays where he is.

"So Ashton, it's nice to know you have met my cousin. How is he treating you?" Cole looks between me and Vinny. Vinny gives Cole a cold glare, causing Cole to smile.

Damn if I knew he wasn't being mean I would say he has a beautiful smile.

"He is treating me just fine actually, it's nice having someone around that actually knows how to have fun without having to make out to do it."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that, our boy here has never kissed a girl. And I am sure he is to scared too." Cole laughs, and I start to get angry.

"Cole just leave us alone man.." Vinny says, already over the conversation.

"Hmm, I don't see anything wrong with that. Actually I think that makes him a decent human being. He hasn't tried to hit on me the whole time I have been here, and I find that very sweet. So I think he deserves one just for that." Vinny looks at me funny, as Cole widens his eyes. I lean towards Vinny catching him off guard, and softly kiss him.

It takes him a second before he realizes what's happening, but when he does he kisses me back and it definitely doesn't feel like this is his first time. When we break apart we are both smiling, until we hear someone cough. We both look at Cole, who now has his hands in his pockets and is looking anywhere but at us. My face heats up as I realize that I just openly kissed Vinny in front of my teacher.

"What's wrong Cole? Didn't think I would ever get kissed?" Vinny says, he is wearing a genuine smile and for some reason it makes me smile too.

"Nah, happy for you actually. Um, I'm gonna go see what our dad's are doing. I'll see you in a little while, and Ashton if I don't see you before you leave, then I'll see you at school on monday." He turns and walks out of the room shutting the door softly behind him.

"Well, that was something.." Vinny says biting his lip. I look at him and smile before reaching out and pulling him back to me. He comes willingly, but this time he is the one to make the move. He leans in and kisses me ever so softly. I can feel him smile against my lips. And in this moment I feel like I can stay here forever.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" Vinny asks against my lips.

"Will more board games be involved?" I whisper making him laugh.

"Only if you don't cheat this time.." he says before he starts to tickle me again.

"Hey I didn't cheat, you are just a sore loser.." he quickly wraps his arms around me as he picks me up, walking me out of the room and towards the back of the house. He is giving me a devilish smile as he walks out the back door of the house. I don't realize why he is smiling like that until I feel him start to run, and then jump suddenly. I squeal as I feel my body hit the cold water.

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