Chapter 46

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We pull on to the street that the party is on and have to park atleast six houses away. You can already hear the music coming from the house, and I am very surprised that the cops aren't already here.

"Ashton, are you sure you want to do this?" Vinny looks at me before looking down at my stomach.

"Yes Vinny, I can do this." I say opening the car door getting out. Vinny gets out too, Cole climbing out of the back.

"We need a game plan.. Ashton, they are supposed to come find you as soon as you walk in. We can't follow you after that, but if the slightest thing goes wrong turn the location on your phone on, and then text us. We will be able to find you. But if something happens before you can, run, don't try to fight unless you have no other choice." Cole says seriously, I look up at the house where the party is and I almost puke.

"I can do this.." I say, Vinny walks over to me putting his arms around me.

"I love you Ashton Niko, please don't be stubborn, if something happens alert us." He says as he places his forehead against mine.

"I love you too Vinny, I will.." I kiss him quickly before we start walking to the house.

I can smell the alcohol before I get close the the house and it makes my stomach churn. I pull the bottom of my dress down self consciously, and Vinny grabs my hand. He kisses it quickly before we walk into the house.

The music is loud as we enter the house, and there are sweaty bodies everywhere. I see a few people from school, but I see one person that I really didn't want to see.

Marcus is hanging all over Dakota as they grind on eachother. I almost gag at the sight, and I immediately look over at Vinny. He sees what I see, and he instantly grabs my hand.

"I won't let him bother you Ash.." Vinny whispers in my ear. I nod before walking into a side room, which I assume is the living room of the house. I notice a guy walking towards me, he has atleast three others with him. I feel Vinny tighten his grip before letting me go and disappearing into the crowd of people.

"Ashton?" The guy asks, he seems to be in his early twenties.

"That's me.." I say, and he motions for me to follow him. I follow him and the three other guys through the house and down to the basement. When we get in the Basement I notice that it's a huge room, but there is a door at the back wall. The room is full of people, and I can smell the smoke from everyone sitting on the numerous couches. I cough slightly, and by the time we make it to the door I have the start of a migraine.

"He is waiting for you in there.." the guy points to the door. I walk past them and push open the door. The room is a decent size, and it's made into an office.

"Well, well, well.. to be completely honest I thought you would have atleast five people guarding you Niko.." the guy in front of me says from the desk in the middle of the room.

The guy has strawberry blonde hair, and his face has light freckles. He stands up, and I can see that he is atleast five inches taller than me. He sounds as if he could kill a small army, but his eyes make it seem as if he has seen a small army be killed.

"Do you think I can't handle my self?" I say, sounding as if I have done this my entire life.

"Not saying that one bit.. so how well do you know your parents Niko? Or should I say Preston?" He smirks at me and it makes my blood boil.

"Don't ever call me that name. And all I know of that man is that he has killed innocent people for no reason, and he is trying to do the same to my friends.." I say, glaring at the guy in front of me.

"You need to stay away from them Niko, he has his claws in them. I thought maybe you would get scared away, when they almost died, but you don't listen very well.. I'm not saying I was the one who done it, but I will say that I may have helped the message get out about Brandon sleeping with the girl.. Although I didn't mean for Travis to step in.." he says, eyeing me cautiously.

"You were the reason they almost died?! You are the one who has been texting me this entire time?!" I start to step forward to strangle him, but he stops me.

"I done what I did, because now although I have never met you before I consider you family.." he says quietly. I look at him as if he were crazy.

"We aren't family.. I don't even know you.." I say, confused.

"I am a distant cousin of Vinny's.. Although that family thinks I'm dead. I'm very much alive. It was my fiance who died. She was Mr and Mrs Black's surrogate the second time. He found out about Xavier Black's gang, and he didn't want any more children born into Black's gang. He kidnapped me and my fiance, he shot us both. I survived, as I had to witness the woman I loved and the mother of my child die as she was carrying a baby.."he says slightly choking up. I can't help but hurt for him, I self consciously wrap my arms over my stomach.

"How did you know me before I met Vinny though? You texted me before I even met him.." I ask confusion clear in my voice.

"I have known your heritage for a long time. Your father used to be my father's best friend, along with being Xavier's. I witnessed your father do some terrible things when I was just a small boy, I witnessed him break your brothers arm to teach him a lesson.. Ashton.. my name is Alex Taylor.. I am Travis's older brother.."

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