Chapter 26

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Brandon's POV

I stand in front of Boss's door, and wait to be seen. He called me, and asked me to come see him because he has a job for me. I haven't seen Travis or heard from him since he stormed out of the house after punching me. Dylan and Sebastian both went on a run to get some money Boss is owed. No one is really happy with me at the moment, I'm not even happy with me right now. 

"Come in.." I hear a deep voice say, and I walk through the door shutting is swiftly behind me. I stand up straight, until he nods his head and I then take a seat across from him.

"You needed to see me Boss?" I ask, with a fierce tone. You have to make sure you do not show weakness around him. I have witnessed him kill a woman that was with child. I have helped him kill numerous men, and other gang members. He has no mercy.

"Yes, I am sending you after my son." He bluntly says.

"Your son?" I look at him confused, he has never said anything about a son. Although he does go on alot of trips without telling us where he is going.

"Yes, he has been in Paris for a couple of years. You have met him before, you just don't quite remember him. So you will be leaving tonight, and should be back by Monday. You get this done and I can pay you double what I normally do." He looks down at me, and I nod. He has short black hair that is styled very classy, he has blue eyes and his whole existence screams don't fuck with me. He shakes my hand before dismissing me, and I walk out of the room.

I have been in his care for a long time and he has never said anything about having a son. But he has also, kept me in the safe house since he got custody of me. No one actually knows where his house is.

As I walk out of the building my phone starts buzzing. I look down, and see travis's name on the screen.

"What's up man? I gotta go to Paris soon, I'm sorry about earlier-" I start to say but he cuts me off.

"Ashton is in the hospital, she was in a rafting accident.. her mother called me and told me. They think she will be fine, but she still hasn't woken up. She hurt her head very bad.." he says quickly, I hear multiple people through the phone, and one of them sounds like Vinny. I start to get angry, why did I have to mess things up and push her towards him. Why did I let her go with him.. she would be fine if I had tried harder to get her to stay.

"Brandon did you hear me?" Travis brings me back to reality, and I shake the thoughts out of my head.

"I'm on my way.." I hang up and get into my car, and drive as fast as I can. I get to the hospital in ten minutes flat due to how fast I was driving. I run in and find the patient rooms, I see Travis sitting in a chair, with Vinny and Cole Jacobs beside him. Travis is leaning over with his head in his hands, Vinny and Cole both wear very exhausted faces.

"Someone better start explaining what the hell happened." I say making them all look at me. Cole is the first to speak up.

"We were rafting, and she fell off the boat, and hit her head on a rock really hard. They said she should be fine, but due to the high blood loss she may be out for a while.." he says bluntly, putting on his serious teacher face.

"So if she had stayed with me she would have been fine?" They can hear the anger in my voice, and Vinny stands up.

"Maybe she would have been fine, but we can't change what has already been done." He says, his eyes slightly watering.

"Maybe you should just stay away from her then?!" I say, wanting to keep her safe, just wanting her to be mine. Travis stands up then, and gets in my face.

"Look B, you need to calm down, because frankly you have no right to be laying claim when you have been doing the stuff you have. She hasn't chosen anyone, but when she does you need to be a man and respect her decision. But right now you don't even need to be here, boss has your phone tapped to know your location. You will bring him right to her if you aren't careful. Luckily I have someone that constantly reassigns your phone to a different location. So when you are anywhere near Ashton's phone it says you are at the mall. Don't drag her any deeper Brandon, your not the only one that loves her.. I don't want her to get hurt because of the gang.." he finishes, and I am taken aback by his last words. Travis loves her?

I'm not the only one who heard his words, Vinny and Cole are both looking at the ground, and I can only come to the conclusion that all four of us do indeed love this girl. I didn't think I would actually admit to it.

We all look up as Ashton's mom walks in the room.

"She is awake, they were able to do stitches without cutting her hair which she was very worried about. The doctor is with her right now, he said that she was very lucky to have had two very protective men bring her in. Any longer, and she wouldn't have made it.." she starts to cry, and Travis goes to her side sitting her down in a chair. "Thank you so much Vinny and Cole, if you had not have gotten her here when you did she wouldn't have made it. I don't know what I would have done if she wouldn't have."

I sit down in the chair, and question myself as I realize Travis is right.

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