Chapter 72

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Brandon's POV

I look down at the naked girl, and it's taking alot not to admit that I wasn't even picturing this girl the entire time. She looks up at me, and my body shivers as I picture Ashton looking up at me. I don't even know own the girls name, I just asked a friend for a good time and he sent her my way.

She is rather beautiful, but nothing compares to Ashton.

"You want to go again?" She asks slyly, as she crawls on top of me.

"Tell me your name darling and I'll think about it.." I say with a smirk. She giggles, and kisses me.

"Arianna Jacobs.. what's your name?" She giggles, but I stiffen once she says the last name.

No, she can't be, please don't let her be.

"Hold on sweetheart.. I gotta go make a call." I say, and quickly get up and walk out into the hallway.

I don't want to do it but I dial the number anyway. He would know if the two are related.

He answers on the first ring.

"Hey.. I have a question.." I say as I head Travis shuffling around on the other side.

"What's up? Hey Damian is needing to be picked up from the hospital." He says, he sounds like he is getting dressed. And I feel a sudden pang of jealousy, but I push it away because I know he wouldn't be doing that. He isn't like me.

"Um, im kind of in the middle of something.. Do you know if Arianna Jacobs is related to Cole?" I ask quietly, I know he automatically knows why I'm asking, and my heart drops at his answer.

"Yes, that's his little sister Brandon.. did you really?" He asks already knowing the answer.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have done it.." I say but he doesn't take it. I hear something open on the other end, but Travis doesn't notice as he explodes.

"You know, I told you that I wouldn't stand in your way. But then you turn around and do this? This is the exact reason you shouldn't be with her. Because what would you do if she got mad at you and stormed off. Obviously nothing other than going and finding some easy girl and having a fun night while she lays in bed and cries!" He yells into the phone, my heart shatters because I know he is right.

"Travis, I do love her, and I do want to be with her-" he cuts me off.

"Yea don't give me that shit Brandon.. we are taking care of it. And when you get back, don't try to act like you're her knight in shining armor when you went to take your frustrations out on another girl, instead of being patient with her.." I'm about to say something but he hangs up.

I look down at the phone and that's when I also notice the missed call from Ashton.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" I yell hitting the wall in the hallway. A door opens down the hall and I watch as Sebastian walks out of his room.

"What's going on man?" He asks, and before I can say anything Arianna walks out of my room in my tshirt. "Oh... shit is right.."

Travis's POV

I throw my phone on the bed before I pull my jeans on. I hear something behind me, and turn around to find Ashton. Her eyes are glassy with fresh tears, and I just want to hold her.

"I'm sorry you heard that.." I say, and I can see how hurt she is.

"Why is it that I lose Vinny, and I begin to open up again and then this happens.. c-can we just go get Damian already?" She says before turning around, and walking away.

I pull on a tshirt, and some shoes and grab my keys. I walk out to the car and she is already waiting outside. The entire ride to the hospital is quiet, and I can't help but want to hold her even more. I look over at her and she is rubbing her hand over her bump.

"So.. boy and a girl.. that's amazing." I say quietly, and I feel her gaze on me.

"Yea.. Vinny would be so excited.. now I have to raise them alone.. they will never get to meet their father. They will never get to have some to teach them how to ride a bike like father's do... Travis.. why did this have to happen?" She softly cries, I park the car at the entrance on the hospital. And before she can say anything I pull her to me.

She is sitting on my lap against the steering wheel, and I hold her as firmly and softly as I possibly can. She sobs into my chest, and I don't let go.

"Ashton, I'm so sorry that this is all happening.. I wish that you had never been involved in the gang to begin with.. then maybe you wouldn't be in so much pain.. I wish I could take all your pain away, but I can't, all I can do is help you through it. I won't leave you alone again. I'm sorry I was gone for so long.. if I hadn't have been gone maybe you would have been safer.." I feel her pull back as she looks down at me.

"Travis.. give me your hand.." I do as she says, and she places at the bottom of her bump. I almost jerk away when I feel movement, but instead I smile. It's the most beautiful feeling I have ever felt. They may not be my children, but I love them already.

Even if she doesn't want to be with me, I will always protect her and her children. And I will always make sure she knows she isn't alone.

"We need to get Damian-" she says but gets cut off by a knocking on my window. We both look over like a deer in headlights, Damian is giving me a death stare and Ashton slowly slides into the passenger seat.

Damian gets into the back seat, and punches my shoulder.

"Really dude?" He says, and I look over at Ashton.

"Yes really.." she says back in a mocking tone. We both laugh as Damian scowls at us.

That's one way to make light of this whole situation.

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