Chapter 74

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By the time we get to the hospital I have had about six panic attacks. Travis had to hold me halfway to the hospital while Brandon held my hand. Travis doesn't wait for anyone at the reception desk to bring a wheelchair, he carries me past the reception desk and into the double doors of the emergency room.

"We need some help here right now! She is having babies!" He yells at the doctors, and nurses that are just standing around. I notice my doctor, and almost pass out in relief.

He rushes over to me with a wheelchair, as his nurses run to get a room ready. He is about to push me away from Brandon, and Travis but I stop him.

"They are coming with me.." I say almost breathless from the pain.

"Ms Niko, we can only let the father back with you." He says, and I start fuming.

"The father of my children was murdered! And these two are extremely important to me so they are going back there with me, damn it!" I yell, the doctor looks surprised and so do Brandon and Travis. The doctor nods, and they follow as he takes me to a room.

When they finally get me in my room and into a gown, I am already dilated eight centimeters. Everyone is telling me that this is the fastest labor they have seen with twins. The pain is unexplainable, but I refuse medicine.

"Ashton, why don't you let them give you the medicine?" Travis says as he holds my hand.

"Because, I can do this without it.." I say gritting my teeth.

"Tell them I need the medicine.. I think you have crushed the bones in my hand." Brandon says, and I pull my hand away to smack him. He smirks at me, and it helps a little.

I look over at the heart monitors, both babies have a steady heartbeat. The doctor walks in, he checks to see if I am dilated anymore so I can begin to push.

"Ms Niko, we are going to start off with you pushing, if that doesn't work we will have to do cesarean. The babies are very close, and they seen like they are racing eachother to get out. So I'm going to get my nurses in here and we are going to start pushing.." he says, feeling of my lower stomach. He places his hands against one spot, and suddenly I feel like the babies are coming out on their own.

"I'm pushing now!!" I scream, and I notice Travis and Brandon both begin to turn pale. The doctor lifts the blanket, and fixes the bed so that I can push, and he will be able to grab the babies with no problem.

"Push Ms Niko! And hold!" He says sternly. I do as I am told, and the pain begins to worsen, it only last for a few seconds before my body shuts out the pain. "Now breath!"

We repeat this for about fifteen minutes, and finally with one final push, I look down at the doctor as he holds my precious baby boy.

I want to hold him, but a nurse grabs him from the doctor after cutting the cord. The pushing isn't over, as my little girl does not like being left behind. It's only takes five minutes of pushing, and she comes in to the world screaming. They cut her cord, and lay her on my chest. She is so little but I can tell she is healthy although she is premature.

"I want my son, where is my son?" I ask holding my little girl to my chest.

"We are trying to get him to cry Ms Niko, we want to make sure nothing is wrong." It's only a few seconds later, and we all hear a soft cry. As soon as we hear it, my little girl begins to cry again as well. They bring my little boy over to me, and I begin to cry as I hold my twins on my chest.

Vinny I wish you could see this..

They take them away, to weigh them and measure them. They said they are also going to check them to make sure they don't need to be watched closely all day and night.

I look up at Travis, and he is looking down at me with so much amazement in his eyes, I become so overwhelmed by his reaction that I just want to cry. Not sad tears, but happy tears.

I look over at Brandon just in time to see him hit the floor.

"Travis.. Brandon fainted.." I say, and a couple of nurses run to him, and so does Travis.

It only takes a minute to bring him back from it, but once he is sitting in a seat beside my bed. Travis begins to laugh, I chuckle lightly.

"Bro, you really just fainted.." Travis laughs, I smile at Brandon as he scowls at Travis.

"So, Ashton, have you thought about any names?" Brandon asks, and I can feel their eyes on me. Honestly I haven't thought of names at all, maybe because it makes it harder with Vinny not being here.

"Um.. I haven't thought about it honestly.." I say looking down at the ring on my finger.

"Well, what about naming your son after his father?" Travis says with a smile on his face.

I think about it and with a smile on my face I nod.

"Well, we have to have a unique name for the loudest little girl." Brandon begins to laugh.

"I like Gabriella Olivia.. and Vinny's last name of course." I say quietly, and they both smile at me.

A hew minutes later they bring both of my babies back into the room. They hand me both of my children, and I smile the biggest smile I have smiled since Vinny. Though they are quite small, they are very healthy.

"Well, say hello to Vincent Nicholas Black, and Gabriella Olivia Black.."

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