Chapter 35

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"you want me to do what?!" Vinny raises his voice, making me wince. I look down at the ground, slightly sad that he isn't with me on my plans.

"I just want you to teach me how to use a gun, its not like I am asking you to help me kill someone." I say, not admitting to the fact that I am getting it in case I need to use it when I find the ones who hurt Brandon and Travis.

"Ashton, look I know you want to get those guys back for what they did to Travis and Brandon, but believe me when I say that their boss will take care of it. He has no mercy, if you were to try to go confront the ones who hurt them, they wouldn't let you leave. they would force you to do things that I don't even want to think about. So please beautiful, let it go, I know its easier said than done, but you have to try.." Vinny says, we are sitting in his bedroom so he can get some things. he has managed to talk my mom into letting him sleep in our guest bedroom. So he can help 'watch over me' I really don't think I need a body guard but I am not going to argue with having a very hot guy staying over at my house. He stands in front of me as he pulls some clothes out of his closet. His muscles pull in his shirt with every movement, and I can feel my mouth hanging open.

"Mam, will you please stop looking at my cousin like he is a piece of meat, its quite nauseating to watch.." I hear an annoying voice say from the door, I look over to find Cole smirking at me.

"Cole she can look at me however she wants.." Vinny laughs, with his back still towards me. Cole is watching me intently, he motions for me to follow him.

"Vinny, I will be back in just a second.." I say standing up and walking out of his bedroom door. I see Cole walking down the stairs so I follow him. By the time I reach the bottom of the stairs I see him leaning against the wall.

"Well that was fast don't you think?" Cole looks at me with a very serious face.

"What do you mean Cole, its just some stairs it wasn't that long of a walk." I say smirking at him, and I can see the edges of his lips turn up at my sarcasm.

"You know Vinny is more than a cousin to me? he is like a little brother, please what ever you do, if you can avoid it, don't hurt him.. I know I like you too, but I will not get in his way. he deserves you, and you deserve him. I will hurt him if he hurts you, but I also want to know that you wont try to hurt him. Can you promise me that Niko?" The look on his face is comforting and sincere, I know that I have feelings for Vinny, and I also know that I will never hurt him. I managed to find one of the good guys, in all this mess we called life. I will not just throw that away, and I hope that Vinny feels the same.

"I promise Jacobs, I will never hurt Vinny." I say, before turning around and running up the stairs and into Vinny's room. Before I get in the room I can hear him talking on the phone, I slow down and listen.

"Look, just because my cousin said I was single doesn't mean I am, now will you please stop calling me.. I have a girlfriend.. I don't care if you think I was interested, I clearly wasn't or I wouldn't have a girlfriend now would I? Now leave me alone or I will let my girlfriend do the talking, and believe me she isn't as nice as me." I hear him toss his phone on the bed, I slowly walk through the door to find him shirtless. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, and I resist the urge to walk up behind him and run my fingers over the muscles of his back.

I want to lick those muscles..

Wait what?

Think innocent thoughts Ashton, stop being nasty..

"Are you alright Ash?" Vinny looks at me, making me turn crimson all over.

"Y-Yes, I'm just fine thank you.." I say walking over to his bed to sit down. He gets a mischievous look in his eye as he slowly walks over to the bed, he gets on to the bed and slowly crawls towards me making my face turn redder by the second. He gets right behind me, he pushes my hair to one side leaving part of my neck exposed. 

"what are you doing Vincent?" I whisper, as he begins to lean into my neck making my whole body get goose bumps.

"What's wrong baby? Am I making you nervous?" He whispers against my neck, making me lose complete focus. He grazes his lips against my neck, and its all I can do not to melt in his hands as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close to his bare chest.

"Vincent, this isn't nice.." I barely manage to croak out, as he softly kisses the tender part of my neck. I slowly turn around, trying to even the playing field. I look in his eyes as he stares at my lips, his eyes are shades darker and his face is lustful as I bring my lips closer to his.

"You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen Ashton Niko.." Vinny says before pulling me down on him crashing his soft lips against my own. He tangles his fingers in my hair as he deepens the kiss, I softly bite his lip making him let out a low groan.

"I really shouldn't have witnessed this.." We hear Cole say from the door way, making me jump off of Vinny.

"Bro, really?" Vinny says ash he puts a pillow over his lap, and my face turns a million shades of red.

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