Chapter 29

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"Mom, I am ok to walk by myself.." I say as she tries to hold me up. Vinny snickers, causing me to glare at him.

"Honey, you don't need to be walking by yourself. You already scared the doctor by demanding you get to go home. Although you should have stayed in the hospital till tomorrow.." she argues, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Mom, I can heal at home.. you are the best doctor in the world, and when you aren't here I have Vinny or Travis." I turn to look at them and they both have their fingers on the noses.

"Really you two? You can't pull the nose goes game here." I pout, making Vinny chuckle lightly, and Travis smiles at me.

"Babe, you know I will take care of you it's just Saturday and my parents can work something out with your mom about when I start school. I can start when you are healed enough to go back to school also." Vinny says as we get seated on the couch, Vinny is seated on one side of me as Travis is about a foot away on the other side.

"I can work with that, as long as two bimbos don't try to start anything with me.." I say, thinking about Dakota and Charlie. I haven't seen them since the day I attacked Dakota, granted I was also in, in school suspension.

"I won't let them bother you, believe me they don't like me.." Travis says sternly making me smile. Vinny wraps his arm around me.

"I don't know them, but Cole has told me about them. My dad has done some business with their dad's, they are pretty sketchy.." Vinny says almost to himself.

"What kind of business?" Travis eyes him slowly. I look between the two waiting for it to be explained to me.

"Their dad's sale on the east side of town, and my father is trying to keep it out of kids hands. My dad tried to put them in their place so no more kids are doing that bad shit.. well they said they wouldn't, but a couple of guys that work for them came in at that moment saying something about selling to a couple of highs as the called it.." Vinny says looking past me at Travis. Travis nods, before getting up, and excusing himself. He walks out of the room and leaves me and Vinny alone.

"So.. I can't believe you said yes.." Vinny whispers with a smile on his face.

"Yea, I don't think Cole could believe it either." I say chuckling to myself.

"In his defense I think he thought he actually had a shot. But I know my ruggedly good looks out shines his mediocre looks." Vinny says acting cocky, causing me to push him over. He laughs, and pulls me in to him.

"So beautiful what would you like to do-" Vinny starts as we hear the front door fly open. I stand up quickly making my head spin as two boys run into the living room.

"Oh thank God you are alright!" Dylan says, putting a hand over his heart.

"I thought you were dead.." Sebastian fake cries, into his hands.

"Shut up Sebastian, I am fine. And Dylan believe me I am alright." I say pulling the two boys into a group hug.

"Who is he?" Dylan whispers in my ear. I pull back realizing Vinny is standing back awkwardly waiting to know what's going on.

"Guy's this is my boyfriend Vinny, Vinny these are my friends Dylan and Sebastian. They are in the same gang as Brandon and Travis."

"Boyfriend?" Dylan says, while looking at me funny.

"Does Brandon know?" Sebastian asks quietly, making me feel almost guilty for the talk I had with Brandon earlier today.

"Yes he knows.. he didn't quite like it, but he needs to respect my decisions.." I say smiling at Vinny, he smiles back and my stomach does a little flip.

"We respect your decision too Ashton.." They both say in unison.

"Thanks guys, would you like to hang out for a while?" I offer.

"Actually we just came to check up on you, and get with Travis. We haven't seen him since he punched Brandon this morning-" Sebastian gets cut off by Dylan punching him in the side.

"Why did Travis punch Brandon?" I ask looking at the two boys in front of me who are now looking at the ground.

"Hey everybody I'm back-" Travis walks in the room smiling but when he sees my confused face, and the other boys looking at the ground he stops short his face falling.

"Travis why did you punch Brandon?" 

"He deserved it." He says bluntly, looking slightly pissed off.

"Guy's can you leave us alone?" I look at Dylan and Sebastian as they nod and leave the room. Vinny slowly brushes past me, squeezing my hand for reassurance. When everyone is out of the room Travis sits down on the couch so I do the same.

"Ashton.. I did it because he was being selfish.. he would cry and complain because he wanted to be with you, but everytime you didn't choose him I would be the one that made the girls leave his bedroom. Or give them rides to the other gang houses. He isn't a bad guy, he just isn't mature enough for you. If he truly deserved you then I wouldn't have found a rival gang members girl in bed with him." He looks at me and I can't read his emotions it's too strong, and my heart starts to beat faster. "Ashton you deserve someone that won't drop you when you make your own choices, so they can go and find a release. You are amazing, perfect, beautiful, everything a guy could ask for. Brandon knows that, he just isn't mature enough to accept that. Not only that though, our boss has been trying harder to get Brandon to give him your address. He wants to meet you, and I won't let that happen. He can't get to you, and Brandon was bringing him right to you because Brandon didn't care about anything but getting to see you. He was being tracked. I had one of my guys tinker with his phone so everytime we were here it said we were at the gym or somewhere else. I did that, I did that to keep you safe.." he stops, his eyes search mine and it makes my stomach flip.

"Travis, I don't know what to say.." I whisper. He puts a hand gently over mine, his skin is soft as he large hand covers mine.

"You don't have to say anything, just let me keep you safe.." Travis gives me a sad smile, and I can feel my chest tighten.

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