Chapter 17

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I stand there in shock as I witness sweet Vinny hammer his fists into Marcus' face. My dad is holding me back, so I don't try to break it up, as much as I want to see this happen to Marcus, I don't want Vinny to get in trouble.

"Hey what the hell is going on here?" I turn around to find Travis and Brandon getting out of Brandon's car. Travis runs up and breaks the boys apart. Vinny turns away, and walks up to me.

"I'm sorry I done that, please don't be mad at me.." he whispers, his eye is swollen so he apparently took a hit at some point.

"I'm not mad at all, thank you for doing what I couldn't." I gently rub his swollen cheek.

"Ashton, who is this?" I turn to see Brandon staring at me.

"This is my friend Vinny Black. He was walking me home and Marcus and my dad were waiting here for me. Marcus was trying to get me to leave with him. And Vinny sort of stepped in.." I watch Brandon as his face goes from confused to sad then to full on mad.

"That's Marcus?" He says rolling up his sleeves and walking towards the guy Travis is holding against the wall. I nod, and Vinny watches as Brandon walks up to Marcus.

"Ashton, I know you love me. Please just tell them." Marcus says looking between me and and the three guys that are ready to kill him.

"She doesn't love you. She is OUR girl, she will never be your girl again. So unless you want another ass beating, I suggest you stay away from Ashton. You won't like what will happen if you dont."

We all watch as Marcus pushes past travis and runs to his car parked on the side of the street.

"This isn't over, I always get what I want.." Marcus yells before burning the tires off of his car trying to get away.

"Ashton, are you ok?" Brandon looks me over, before his eyes fall on Vinny.

"I'm fine, if Vinny had not have been here I probably would have been halfway across the state by now." I run my hand across my face, and turn to look at my dad.

"Now what do you want." I get right to the point, because I know he will try to beat around the bush.

"Sweetheart, I miss you, I just want you to come back and stay with me for a little while. Is that to much to ask?"

"Yea, it kind of is. Considering you brought my ex boyfriend with you. You could have asked mom for our address, she would have gave it to you. But no, instead you bring that asshole here, and now you expect me to go home with you. No that's not how that works. And frankly, I am eighteen I can do and go where ever the hell I please. But I am not about to leave mom when you were the one who chose to cheat on her." I can feel my eyes watering, and my knees feel like they are about to buckle.

"Sir, I think you should leave. She has had enough drama for today." Vinny says, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"I guess you are right.. goodbye, I love you sweetie.." my father says kissing me on the cheek as he walks past.

It's not till I watch him pull all the way out of the driveway, that I let myself break down.

I feel week as I hit the ground, but before I can get used to the cold grass I am lifted up.

"Um, I don't think I know you guys, but I'm going to assume you are her friends so can you get the door please?" Vinny asks looking around at Travis and Brandon.

They both run to the door, and open it as Vinny walks in with me in his arms. Before I realize it I have already passed out.

I hear faint voices talking, they sound muffled but I just ignore them and start to dream instead.

I am sitting on my front porch, Vinny, Brandon, Dylan, Travis, and Sebastian are all sitting there with me. I have Brandon and Vinny on either side of me. I feel like they are my personal body guards. We are all just sitting there watching the sun set. Out of no where a large black suv pulls in front of my house. A guy steps out and aims something at us.

It's a gun

I start to say something but he let's off five rounds.

I don't feel anything where did he shoot.

I stand, and turn around the guys are laying on the ground with blood every where.

"You done this to them, I told you to stay away.."

I scream

"Ashton!! Calm down, calm down what's wrong?" Vinny says pulling me to him.

"She must have just had a bad dream.." Brandon is watching me, but mostly he is watching Vinny.

"Dude give her to me, before you both kill each other over her." Travis pushes Vinny away, and sits down beside me pulling me against him.

"What are you talking about Travis?" I whisper. 

"Well they both obviously like you, and when you passed out they argued over who should stay with you, and who should tend to you, and who should be with you.."

I look at Travis funny, but then realize he isn't joking. Both guys are standing there staring at the ground, blushing badly.

"Really guys?" I say, cuddling into Travis.

They both look up at me, and I can't help but laugh.

"You two need to stop, I am friends with both of you. And frankly no matter who I choose or if I even choose one of you, you guys shouldn't fight over it. And don't think you are off the hook Brandon." They both look at each other before they shake hands.

"I'm sorry Ashton, you wouldn't give me the chance to apologize before so I am doing it now. I shouldn't have kissed you then turned around and kissed someone else. Or for that matter stayed at the party with her after you found me. I'm very sorry." He looks at me sincerely.

"I forgive you, but that doesn't mean anything, I'm still just your friend."

"It's ok Ashton, I'll marry you so you don't have to choose between these two." Travis smiles at me before I punch his arm.

"Not a chance big boy.. now let's introduce eachother." I say looking between Brandon and Vinny.

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