Chapter 60

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It's been almost a month and half since I found out who killed Vinny. I haven't been able to act on it due to being pregnant and Cole or the guys never leaving my side. I also haven't seen Travis since that day, I feel horrible for making him leave. Maybe he wouldn't be in jail right now if I had let him stay.

I lay on my bed and eat some oreos with Nutella and whipped cream. It's a Saturday and I don't have any plans, it's hard to go do anything when you are trying to hide the bump that continues to grow. It's beginning to snow outside, and I really don't want to freeze to death so I would rather stay inside anyway. I rub my stomach, and feel a little bit of movement. I can definitely already tell they have major personalities.

I hear someone knock on my door, I mumble for them to come in.

"Hey, that's where the oreos went." Cole laughs, he walks over and sits on the bed beside me. I grab the oreos and growl at him, he chuckles and this is the most I have seen him laugh in a while. I smile and hand him the oreos.

"You want to do something?" He says eating one of the cookies, I shrug my shoulders and lick Nutella from my fingers. "Woman you are a savage, use a spoon."

"But then I have to go downstairs and get a spoon, and they don't want me to get up so deal with it." I say rubbing my stomach. Cole smirks at me before dipping his finger in the Nutella and wiping it across my face.

"I told you I would get you back, it just took a while.." he laughs, his eyes are hiding something and soon I realize exactly how close he is. I feel my heart start to beat faster as his eyes find their way to my lips.

"Hey just thought I would stop by to check up on you two." Sebastian says as he walks into my room. Cole jumps up quickly, and I am left on my bed confused with Nutella all over my face.

"Where is Brandon and Dylan?" I ask, trying to clear my thoughts. If Sebastian saw how close we were he doesn't acknowledge it.

"Well they are actually out planning something, and they told me I don't know how to keep secrets so I couldn't be there so I thought I would come bother you." Sebastian laughs, Cole excuses himself and soon I hear the guest room door shut. I pat the bed beside me and grab my laptop.

"Let's watch some Netflix and gossip like a couple of girls.." I say as I get on Netflix, he laughs and gets on the bed beside me.

"You have Nutella all over your face.." he laughs before grabbing a tissue and wiping my face. He is smiling the entire time as he looks me in the eye. My heartbeat speeds up again.

Damn girl calm down with your hormones and shit..

He leans back against my head board and grabs the laptop from me.

"Let's watch nightmare before Christmas, it's one of my favorite movies." He says smiling as he finds it and it begins to play. I smile back at him, and lean against him as I relax and watch the movie.

Cole's POV

I look at my phone, I have multiple texts from my dad and uncle, I haven't been back to that house in a while. I know it's wearing on my family, But Vinny wouldn't want me to leave her alone when she needs someone. I know she has the guys as well, but I think it's more of the fact that I still have feelings for her. I shouldn't let them show though, because she is beginning to notice.

I walk out of the guest room and leave Ashton's house, I get in my car and drive down the street to the family house. I walk in, and nothing feels right. I don't smell the chocolatey smell of brownies anymore, and everything is quiet.

"Hey son, how have you been?" Vinny's mom says as she walks in from the kitchen. I can see how this is aging her, and it breaks my heart.

"I have been alright, been keeping an eye on Ashton and the babies.." I say looking at the ground.

"Thank you for taking care of her.. Vinny would say the same if he could.. I know they were very young, but my son was ready to stand up and be there for her forever, and I know he wouldn't want anyone else with her when those babies are born. Just don't let them get her Cole.. please.." she says beginning to cry, I wrap my arms around the short woman in front of me. She begins to sob into my shirt and soon I hear people walking into the room. My aunt pulls away and wipes her eyes hurriedly.

"It's good to see you.." my dad says walking up and hugging me tightly. I hug him back, and look up at my uncle. He has dark bags under his eyes, and he looks as if he has lost weight.

"Thanks.. so have you guys found out anything?" I ask, looking at my dad and uncle.

"Well, he disappeared when we went after him.. and we couldn't do much because the gang was met with Preston's gang head on.. we don't have much we can do, unless we want to have a shoot out, and we don't need anymore blood shed until we have him.." my father says looking at the floor.

"We will get him.." I clench my fists, "he won't get away with ripping a huge part of this family apart.. he took away the father of two babies.. two babies that will never get to know how awesome their dad was.."

Their dad's was the light that kept this family out of the dark, now it's complete darkness..

Our GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ