Chapter 42

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Brandon's POV

I look at the man standing in front of me, and I can't stand the sight of him. He knows why I was in the hospital, and that's why he is here. I walk into the living room and sit down, he follows me and sits across from me.

"So, why did you sleep with her Brandon?" He asks bluntly, the question doesn't faze me.

"I needed a good time, I got it and then she left. Wasn't anything against that gang." I say trying to be as calm as possible.

"Brandon, you know you are like a son to me.. I care about you, but I am not weak enough to believe you aren't replaceable." He gets up walking to me, he pulls a gun out of his suit and points it at my temple, "I'm not scared of pulling this trigger Brandon.. you have seen what I can and will do."

"Yes boss.." I keep my voice calm, my heart is about to beat out of my chest as he grinds the barrel of the gun in my temple.

"Don't fuck with my business again Brandon, or I will kill you." He pulls the gun away from my head, and walks out of the house. I slowly get up, and make sure he is long gone before I walk out of the house and get into my car. I take the long way to the mall to make sure he isn't having me followed.

I pull into the mall parking lot, and see Damian leaned up against his car. He sees me coming and jumps in the car as soon as I stop.

"Everything ok? You took forever to get here.." Damian looks at me concerned, I almost laugh at how different he is from his father.

"Your father paid me a visit before I could leave.." I can still feel the cold metal against my skin.

"Brandon you need to get your friends and get the hell away from this gang.. Brandon he is getting worse, when you and Travis was in the hospital he done things that I do not want to admit to seeing.. You all are good kids, and my dad is a fucking monster.." Damian drifts off as he looks out the window. There is something he isn't telling me, I ignore it and drive to the apartment where the girl is staying.

Ashton's POV

I wipe the sweat off of my face, I have been training for the past three hours. My body is sore from all the training, I look over at Vinny he is sitting on the side of the pool. I walk over and sit beside him I take my shoes off and dip my feet into the cold water. Vinny wraps and arm around my shoulders and smiles at me.

"I think you broke Cole.." he chuckles pointing over to the chair where Cole is sitting with an ice pack on his now swollen eye.

"He will be ok.. He shouldn't have thought he could flip me on the ground." I say seriously causing Vinny to start laughing.

"I think we should get you home, your mom will be wondering what is taking so long. We can run and get a bite to eat first if you would like?"

"Is that a rhetorical question? Of course I would like to get food first." I wink at him as we both stand, and I walk by Cole making him flinch a little bit.

"You didn't need any training, crazy woman.." Cole says with a smirk on his face. He stands and follows us, I look back at him.

"Where are you going?" I ask, as he continues to follow us.

"Uh, I'm making Vinny buy me food since his girlfriend kicked my ass.." I look at him funny, and he laughs, " Don't look at me like that, he can buy me food too. And drive me around in his purple car." Cole crosses his arms making me laugh.

When we get to my house, Cole is passed out in the back seat. Vinny gets out and walks around to my side of the car opening the door for me. He walks me all the way to my front door, and we stop. It almost feels like one of those very cliche movie scenes.  

"I'll see you tomorrow morning beautiful, I'll be here bright and early." He smiles down at me, I can't help the butterflies that I get as he looks at me.

"OK Vincent, I love you." The words are out before I realize it, he looks at me with wide eyes.

"I love you too baby girl" He lifts me up, hugging me tightly and I can't get the smile off of my face. He holds me for another few minutes before he sits me down, and kisses me.

"Ashton Olivia Niko.. you make me the happiest man alive." He whispers against my lips, I can feel him smile before he gently kisses me again.

"Vinny come on! I want to go to bed!" A sleepy Cole yells from the back seat of the car.

"I gotta go baby, I'll see you in the morning." He gives me one last kiss before walking away. I unlock the door and go inside, I run up stairs and take a quick shower.

When I get out, I put on my pajamas and crawl into bed. I check my phone and I have three messages.

Damian: hello, sorry if I am bothering you but I wanted to ask how you are feeling.

Vinny: goodnight beautiful, sleep tight 😘

Brandon: hey I hope you are doing OK. See you at school tomorrow.

I decide to reply to then in order.

Me: I am doing alright, thank you for asking. It's a little weird talking to the brother I never knew I had..

Me: goodnight Vincent, see you tomorrow 😘

Me: I'm doing good, hope you are feeling better B, see you tomorrow.

I close my phone, and slowly drift off to sleep.

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