A new friend

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I couldn't believe that I was in LA let alone with Matt walking up to our new apartment. I was determined to make my dreams come true that might mean having to associate myself with some other YouTubers which was about to be easier then I thought it was going to be.

"Josie do you have the key?" Matt asked as he walked up to the door of our new apartment.

"Yeah it's in my hoodie pocket give me a sec and I'll get it." I said as I set down the box I was carrying. It made a loud thud as I set it down. I cringed hopping not to disturb any of our neighbors because it was kinda late about 9:30 at night.
"Here." Is aid reaching into my hoodie pocket and pulling g out the key and handing it to Matt.
Matt began to unlock it just as the door to the apartment next to ours opened. I quickly turned around to see who was there and to greet our new neighbor.
A woman probably a bit older then me and about my higher stepped out into the hall.
"Hi I'm Josie and this is Matt we are just moving in." I explained trying to sound happy.
"Hi I'm Gabbie!" She said kinda perky as she put out her hand to shake mine.
"Wait Gabbie? Like Gabbie Hanna if the Gabbie show?!" I asked for I recognizing her.
"Yeah that's me! You're a fan?" She asked.
I smiled as I looked at her.
"Yeah you're hilarious!" I said.
Matt looked over at us realizing who she was.
"Well do you two need help moving in? I'm free for like another hour before I go to a party." She offered.

"Yeah sure if you don't mind!" I said smiling. Mostly in shock that I was talking to one of my favorite you tubers besides Sam and Colby.

"Alright." She said picking up the box beside me.
And hour and a half later
"Do you want some wine?" I asked Gabbie as we sat down on our couch surrounded by boxes.

"Ou have wine? How old are you?" She asked.

"I'm 18 and Matt's 17 he graduated early." I explained.

"Why do you have wine?" She asked shocked.

"I'm 18 I drink plus it was a goof away present form my cousin she brought it home after her trip to Italy." I said kind laughing.

"Oh ok. And real Italian wine hell yeah I'll have some!!" She said happily.
I walked into the kitchen and dig through some boxes until I found the wine and some glasses. I place it all on the counter and poured Gabbie and I each a glass.

"What about me?" Matt asked.

"Your 17 that's when I started drinking I'm not letting you make the same mistake." I said smirking at him.

"Ugh fine." Matt said walking into his room to unpack.

"So why did you two come to LA?" Gabbie asked me as I handed her her glass and sat down.

"I have a small YouTube channel and I though coming to LA would help that. Matt and I have had this planned since I was 14." I laughed.

"YouTube?" She asked seemingly surprised.

"Yeah." I said looking down at my hands.

"Both if you should come to this party with me then. It's at Elton Castee's house him and his roommates are throwing it." Gabbie explained excitedly.

"Are you sure that would be okay?" I asked .

"Hell yeah I'll message him right now and let him know you and Matt are coming!" Gabbie said pulling our her phone to message Elton.

"Alright thanks Gabbie I'll go let Matt know and I'll start getting ready!" I said standing up.

"All right meet me over at my apartment in like a half hour and we'll take an Uber together!" He said happily as she stood up.

"Alright thanks again Gabbie." I said hugging her.

"Oh hey no problem I remember how hard it was to make friends here." She said.

I let her out then ran into Matt's room.

"Mat get ready we are going to a party at Elton Castee's house!!" I said jumping on his bed like a 2 year old.

"No fucking way!! You do know what this means? Right?" Matt said a huge smile growing in his face.

"We are going to be popular?!?" I said excitedly.

"Josie, think about it. Who else lives with Elton?" Matt asked knowing the answer to his own question.

"Umm." I thought then it hit me and I smiled wide.

"SAM AND COLBY!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

"Yeah, Josie you need to get ready this is gonna be Colby Brock's first impression of you!!" Matt said excitedly.

I looked Matt up and down. "And Sam Golbach's first impression of you." I smiled knowing that Sam was Matt's YouTube crush just like Colby was mine.

"Josie." He frowned. "He's dating Lat and I doubt he's gay." Matt said sadly.

"Matt you never know." I said as I walked out of his room and I to mine across the hall.

I dug though box after box until I found the clothes I was looking for.
(Clothes Josie picked out. A/N : I chose clothes based on my body type so feel free to imagine it as something else.)

I decided to wear a tee shirt to show off my semicolon tattoo on my left wrist

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I decided to wear a tee shirt to show off my semicolon tattoo on my left wrist. Panic at the disco is my favorite band so that why I chose that crop top. 
  I finished greeting dressed and doing my hair and makeup. I really just put my hair up in a high ponytail because it was easy and liked nice with my slightly wavy ,dirty blonde hair. As I walked in the the kitchen I saw Matt standing there ready to go.

"Really Matt?!" I said looking him up and down. Matt was also wearing black skinny jeans but he was also wearing a pink beyond the the norm hoodie.

"Yeah I gotta rep the merch and you should have expected me to wear these jeans ." He said.

I just rolled my eyes. Honestly sometimes Matt acts more gay then he actually is , but I except him for who he is. Matt's Benin living with me since he was 15 because his parents kicked him out for being gay so I'm used to his feminineness if that's even a word.
"Let's go." I laughed grabbing my bag off the table that we had just finished putting together before Gabbie left. We walked over to Gabbie's and then we all left form there. Honestly the whole ride there I was nervous. I mean I was about to meet the you-tubers I've loved since I was 14 and now I was legal. Flirting was gonna happen , but before that I was gonna need a drink as soon as we it there to calm my nerves. My first night in LA was going to be the most exciting day of my life so far.

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