First Imprssions

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  As the Uber pulled up to the house cars lined the streets and filled the drive way to the massive house. The house looks even bigger in person then it does in all their videos. I also forget to mention I had put on my bathing suit under my clothes and pack underwear in my bag. After checking Twitter I realized Elton had done so much to the pool for this party so I thought I'd show off a bit. Of course after some alcohol.

"You okay Josie?" Matt asked looking over at me.

"Yeah just kinda shocked I mean we are at Sam and Colby's house." I whispered excitedly.

"Yeah me too." He said as he opened the car door and climbed out giving me his hand to help me out if the car. Matt is a gentlemen.

"You ready to meet some social media friends?" Gabbie asked climbing out of the car and walking up to Matt and I.

"I guess." I said struggling to find my words as we walked up to the front door of the house.

  As we stepped in I looked around at all the people and all the lights.

"Hey Gabbs!" Elton said walking up to Gabbie and hugging her.

"Hey Elton this is Josie and Matthew." She said gesturing towards us. I just smiled.

"Hey nice to meet you! Come on come meet some of the roommates." Elton said walking us through the crowd of people. I kept my hands down in front of  me as I looked around at all of the familiar faces. David Dobrik, Scotty Sires, Megan Mecarthey and even Camron Dallas who personally I'm not a huge fan of , but still.
"Hey Sam, Colby I have some people I want you to meet!" Elton practically shouted over the loud music as we walked up to Sam and Colby who were standing in the kitchen. Sam was standing with his arm around Kat and Colby was talking to a really pretty dark haired girl.
"Hey nice to meet you I'm colby and his is Sam ." Colby said smiling at me. I stared at his icy blue eyes and beautiful smile at a loss for words.

"Josie." Gabbie said as she nudged.

"Oh.." I said snapping out of it. "Hi I'm Josie." I said smiling in shock at Sam and Colby standing in front of me.

"And I'm Matt ." Matthew said smiling at them. I could tell he was trying not to laugh at me.
I blushed in embarrassment. I have a habit of embarrassing myself in front of my crushes. I've been like that since middle school.

"Can I get something to drink?" I asked.

"Oh yeah follow me." Colby smiled at me waving me towards him.
  I gladly fallowed as Colby led me into the garage where the was a large folding table with liquor and juices as well as large bowls of ice with beers and flavored drinks like smernof ice and reds apple ale in them. I felt bad for leaving Matt with Elton and Gabbie , but Sam was there so Matt would be happy and knowing that I was off with Colby would also make him happy.

"So what would you like?" Colby asked me.

"Oh um.. I'll take one of the smernolfs." I said.
  Colby pulled one out of the bowl of ice and handed to me.

"Who old are you?" He asked as he handed me the drink.

"Well um I'm 18." I said twisting the metal cap off the drink and taking a sip.

"Really?! You look like you're 20 or so." He explained looking me up and down.

"Well it's probably just my makeup." I said. I often pretend to be outgoing even though I'm kinda shy , but I mean it's Colby Brock I had to talk to him.

"So you new to LA?" He asked moving his gaze to my blue/green eyes.

"Yeah Matt and I literally moved into our apartment 2 hours ago." I chuckled.

"Oh damn you're really new here follow me I'll introduce you to some of my friends." He said holding his hand out for me to grab it. I knew it was just him being friendly and making sure I didn't get lost , but I was still super happy that I was holding his had.
  Now is probably not the best time to tell him I'm a massive fan.  I thought to myself.
  Colby led me back into the house and out to the back yard where the most people were. I also spotted Matt and Gabbie in the direction Colby was leading me. They were standing and talking to Brennen Taylor and his girlfriend Keira as well as Shea Elyse , the girl from Colby's adventure buddies videos that everyone shipped him with.

"Hey guys this is Josie and I see you already met Matthew." Colby said pulling me in front of him.

"Hi Josie I'm Brennen and his is my girlfriend Keira." Brennen said putting his arm around a girl with deep purple hair.

"And this is Shea." Colby said gesturing towards the same dark haired girl he was talking to earlier because she didn't introduce herself. Shea just kind gave me a half smirk as she looked me up and down. Matt looked over at me and gave a "She does not like you" look.
"Hi Shea it's nice to meet you." I said putting out my hand to shake hers , but she denied.

"YALL WE BOUT TO HAVE A TRICK CONTEST OFF THE TOWER FOR WHO EVER WANTS TO JOIN! AND LETS GET SOME GIRLS SO ITS NOT ALL GUYS!!" Elton yelled as he stood on top of the tall platform next to the pool.
   Matt nudged me and smiled. Matt knows I'm good at flips and things like that from cheerleading and over all just screwing around with friends and going cliff jumping.

"Go on Jo you know you're good at this stuff!!" Matt said so everyone around us could hear him.

"Um.." I stuttered , but Gabbie cut me off before I could even say anything.

"Show those guys how it's done!!" She shouted.

  Colby looked at me and smiled and She's looked at him then at me. I looked at her and she gave me a " you won't" look, so I downed the rest of my drink and took off my shoes and handed them to Matt before taking off my top and jeans revealing my teal bikini then handing my clothes to Gabbie. I made my way through the crowd  and over to the platform/ tower and climbing up right behind Elton.

"You gonna give it a try?!" He asked seeming shocked.

" I've been doing this shit since I was 10!" I laughed. The alcohol in my system made me loosen up and made my nerves disappear. On top of the smernolf I had at the party I had downed three glasses of wine while I got ready.
   Elton went and did a simple front flip then I stepped up and looked over he edge of he platform. I hadn't done anything like this since I was 16 and I started to get nervous that I would screw up and make a fool of myself , but my only goal was to impress Colby at whatever the price except for like pole dancing or sleeping with him.
   I took my hair out of the ponytail and shook it out letting my long hair fall to small of my back and put the hair tie on my wrist as some of the guys cheered. I stepped forward and threw a gainer off the platform. I herd people begin to cheer and whistle, but Colby's voice stood out as I herd him yell "GO JOSIE!"
  I took a few more turns my flips getting more complex and dangerous as I went, but everything went well. After getting out of the pool and going back over to my group I saw Shea all over Colby. My heart sank. I mean it's not like I knew him too well or that there was even a chance of me getting with him anytime soon , but it still made me upset. 
  I walked inside and back out the the garage and started pouring shots for myself and downing them like my life depended on it.

"Josie Jesus slow down!" Matt said as he entered the garage and pulled a bottle of vodka out of my hands.

"Look Matt this is the only way for me to not be angry right now so let me do what I need to!" I yelled.
  Gabbie walked out behind Matt and took drink off of the table.
"Can't let a girl drink alone!" Gabbie said to Matt.
  The last thing I remember was dancing on the kitchen counter with some guy before I passed out cold.

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