A reson to be scared

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Sam and Colby ran home to get ready to go get ready to film at the abandon place. Gabbie walked over to her apartment and also got changed and Matt and I got ready.
  Before I got read my I put my new bedding in my bed so that when I got home from filming I could lay down and go to sleep without worrying about having to make my bed.
  I was finally able to just open my closet and look at all my tops and jackets. My apartment was starting to feel like a home and in my room at the moment I only had one box and that had all my wall hangings in it. But anyway I dug through my closet until I found my guns and roses shirt and my leather jacket. I also went through my dresser and dot out a pair of ripped skinny jeans and I grabbed my Bennie from I tip of my dresser.

(Josies outfit. A/N Once again feel free to imagine it as something else this is just what I wear and what fits my body style.)

I took a quick shower and got changed

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I took a quick shower and got changed. To be completely honest with you I was super nervous to go. I fully believe in ghosts and the fact that Colby wanted to lay with a oujia board made me more nervous, but what can ya do.
After I finished changing I decided to do a quick intro for my video.

"Matt are you done getting ready?" I asked as I knocked on his door.

"Yeah." He said as he opened it and stepped out of his room.

"I'm filming my intro so I wanted you to be in it." I told him as I waved my camera around.

"Oh okay." Matt said happily as she closed his bedroom door.

We walked into the living room kitchen area and I set up my camera on my y'all tripod that I had by the kitchen counter. I pressed record and stepped back a bit.

"Hey guys it's Josie Asher here!" I started excitedly.  "And at the moment I am joined by Matt as always, but today I have a surprise for all of y'all because I just moved to LA I'm going to be joined by not 1, not 2 but 3 if my favorite youtubers!!! You'll see them in a minute, but today I'm doing a video I have never done before! I am exploring an abandon wear house. So that might give away two of those youtubers , but with out further ado I'll see you guys there in just a moment!" I shut of the camera just as my door bell rang. I walked over and opens the door and Sam and Colby were standing there.
Colby looked so cute.

(Colby's outfit.)


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