Storms and heart break

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I woke up around 3 am with Colby cuddling me. I listened and herd the sound of rain banging in the roof of the RV. We were still parked in the beach. I think.
I slowly slipped away from Colby's grasp and slipped on a pair of pajama shorts and a tee shirt just in time to hear all of our phones going off at the same time with the weather alert sound.
Everyone woke up and mumbled different things. Colby woke up beside me and just looked at me.

"What the hell is that?" He said groggily.

"Its a weather alert in the phones." I said as I walked closer tot he curtain.
Colby stood up and put on his shorts and walked out with me.
We looked out the front window of the RV and it was raining so hard you could nearly see the ocean that was right in front of us.

"Holy shit!" I yelled.

Matt and Sam both got up from the bunk beds and looked out the windows.

"That does not look good." Matt said.

"A flash flood and severe thunderstorm warning had been issued for your area. Please seek shelter." The phones went off.

I watched out the window in amazement as large waves began to come into shore.

"Elton we need to get the fuck out of here!" Colby said as Elton sat up.

"Colby you've driven in storms before you drive." Elton said as he threw the keys at Colby.
Colby rushed over and sat down in the drivers seat and started the RV. I sat in the passengers seat right beside him. I watched as David's car left as well so I assumed they packed up their camping shit and are getting the hell out.
I was terrified of what could happen.
Colby drove off and was able to get off the beach as more waves came in. Thunder began to crash very loudly.

"Colby be careful." I said as I lolled over at him.

"Just be quiet for a minute Jos." He said as he continued to look at the road.

"Colby careful there's a tree down." I said as I watched the road.

"Shit!" He said as he swerved around it.

Colby drove to the bridge used to get back over to the main land, but when we got there we saw it was closed. Cops parked their cars I front of the entrance to the bridge and told Colby he couldn't cross. They said that there was a park in the middle of the island that people could park at and wait out the storm until the bridge was open to get back to main land.
Colby quickly drove to the park witch was packed with other RVs and cars.

"So What now?" I asked as I turned around to realize that Elton had been vlogging the whole thing.

"We wait." Max said as she laid down on her phone.

"Nice drivin colbs." Sam said as Colby and I stood up to go sit down.

"Let's play fortnite." Elton laughed.

"I mean we can I have the WiFi hot spot and the PS4." I said.

"Lit then we're playing fortnite." Sam said.
I grabbed all the stuff and hooked it to the TV in the living area of the RV. Max and Elton folded their beds back down into a couch so we could all sit and just hang out.
I grabbed an extra blanket from mine and Colby's bed and wrapped in around myself before sitting down in the couch.

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