Screw up?

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"James I... Colby... I have to go talk to him James I'm sorry." I said.
He nodded as I raced inside.

"Where's Colby?" I asked Matt and Max who were standing in the front hall.

"He went up to his room. Why Josie what happened?" Matt asked confused.

"It's a long story, but I might have just fucked yo the best thing to ever happen to me." I said as I ran upstairs and over to Colby's room.
  I gently knocked on the door.

"Colby..." I said quietly. Colby opened the door standing there in his basketball shorts.

"Colby I'm sorry. I'm not gonna blame it on him because I could have pulled away right away." I said tears forming in my eyes.  I felt terrible.

"Colby say something please." I whined.

"Josie..." he began quietly. I looked down trying not to cry.

"You don't have to be sorry." He said as he grabbed my hand and brought me into his room closing the door behind us.

"Colby what do you mean? Colby I feel tribble. I said as tears began to stream down my face.

"Josie stop please and listen to me." He said as he sat down and pulled me into his lap.
I whipped a tear from my cheek as I looked at him. I was sitting sideways in his lap with my hands around the back of his neck.

"I know it want your fault I saw you pull away. You could have stopped as soon as he started, but you still stopped." He said as he liked into my eyes.
  I could see that he was in pain. I could see it in his eyes.

"Colby your upset." I said as I grabbed his cheek with one of my hands.

"Josie yes I'm upset, but I'll get over it because I really care about you." He said as he gave me a slight smile.
  I just leaned in and kissed him. He began to kiss me back and that's what made me realize he really wasn't really all that mad about what I did.

"I'm so stupid." I said as I pulled away.

"Josie your not stupid. You have a big heart." He said as he put his four head to mine.

"That's my comment." I laughed.

"Hey you used my quotes against me." Colby said laughing.

"But I'm supposed to do that not you." I pouted. Colby smiled at at me and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Your a goof." He whispered.

"And your mine." I whispered.

"And your the girl I never want to loose." He said as he pulled out of the hug and into a heated kiss. Another kiss that I never wanted to end. Because I had him literally my dream guy.

"Sam... and ...I ... Kansas." He began between kisses. The I pulled away to let him speak. "We are going home to visit and I want you to come with us. Sam's bringing Kat. I've bragged about you to my friends and they want to meet you." He explained as I still  tried to catch my breath.

"You brag about me?" I asked shocked.

"Yes you are the only brag worthy girl I've met here." He blushed.

"Yes Colby I'll go with you." I laughed.

  I had forgot that I had uploaded that video yesterday until now. My phone started going off like crazy. So and so subscribed, so and so liked and commented. So and so followed you on Instagram and Twitter.

"Colby look!" I said very excitedly.

"Damn Sam and I didn't grow that fast." He said wide eyed.

  I gained literally 100,000 subs and 1,200 followers in just a few hours.

"You did it Josie." He said.

"I've been making videos for 4 years and I was finally able to do it!" I shouted. "Thank you Colby." I whispered as I hugged him tightly again.

"I didn't do this you did." He said as he held me tighter.

"Colby it's because I was in your video." I laughed.

"Haven't uploaded it yet that was all it baby."

New girl (A Colby Brock fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now