An old friend

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"We're supposed to be on our way to my place." Colby laughed as he pulled away.

"I'd rather do this instead." I laughed as I put my head in his chest.

"Hey Matt said he had a surprise for you at the party." Colby said.

"Ugh fine. Can I stay the night at your place so I can drink a bit?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Yes but Josie don't be drinking a lot you're only 18." He said as he moved my hair out of my hair face.

"Yeah I'm just old enough for that to have happened." I said.

"Yeah age doesn't matter as long as your not like 15." He smiled at me.

"Do we have to go?" I asked. I just wanted to cuddle with colby all night.

"We should." He said as he let go of me.

We both walked out as I locked the door behind me.
  My mind was racing ,kinda. What just happened? Am I dreaming again?
  I got into the drivers seat of my car as Colby sat next to me in the passengers seat. I looked over at Colby and he just smiled at me and I smiled back as I turned in the radio to the classic rock station. Just like the day he came to help us move in. As soon as the station came in bohemian rhapsody was on.  I looked back at Colby and we both laughed.

"Coincidence?" Colby laughed.

"Maybe." I said as I looked back at the road.

  I drove to the guys house honestly still confused on what happened.

"Colby do you actually like me?" I said as I stoped at a stop sign.

"Yes Josie I do." He smiled at me.

"Your not just playing some sick joke on me?" I asked still skeptical.

"Josie why would I do that to you?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows and frowned.

"Because that's what attractive guys do. They use girls for sex because they are virgins and see it weird how all this happened after I told you about Collin and I." I said my mood changing a bit.

"Josie I'm not like that. I would never hurt you. Matt told me how's guys used to treat you." Colby said as he put his hand on my leg.

"I'm sorry Colbs I don't trust people to easily." I said as I looked at the road and continued driving.

"Josie I understand." He said as he gently rubbed my leg.

"Thanks." I said as I pulled into the driveway at his house.

  We both got out of my car and walked into the large house. A few more cars then normal sat outside, but I had no clue who's.
  As we walked in everyone just looked at us.

"What are y'all so late?" Sam asked crossing his arms like a mother who's daughter just came home late for curfew.

"I had to change and shower." I said trying to avoid saying what actually happened.

"Mhm." Matt said as he mimicked Sam.

"Okay so drinks?" I asked. Matt gave me an Are you serious look.

"You might wanna are who's gonna be here first." Collin said as he came up behind me.

"Hey Collin." I said acknowledging his existence.

"We should go swimming!" Collin said as he grabbed a drink from the counter in the kitchen.

"I don't have a bathing suit." I said as I looked at him and all the other guys for at the time Kat and I were the only females there.

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