Return to the Palace

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Despite Marie's constant barraging for me to always return home immediately after my walks in the village, I chose to ignore her wishes today. 

On this tragic, horrendous day. 

My birthday.

After respectively burying the poor doe, I left the forest less of a human than how I came in. I walk silently, without any knowledge of my surroundings as I searched and searched for my senses somewhere within my brain. 

What is happening? Why is this happening?

I hadn't been bitten. I hadn't, had I? No, that's impossible. No one has even been close enough to me to have done that, and I would remember being attacked. 

I pause in the bustling village as a speck of realization dawns on me. Is that why I had felt sick? Something terrible had infected me? Some monstrous infection that causes paranoia and hallucinations maybe? Perhaps, none of this has happened at all!

A small bit of hope fills me, and I aim to head home. 

However, when I get there, I keep going. I keep on walking until I come upon the palace. A place even more grand in the sunlight. The gates are closed and guarded, but I find myself approaching irregardless. 

"What do you think you're doing, miss?" The brooding guard bellows down at me. I only quake a little bit. I realize I look like a local commoner. Just another girl desperate to be near the Prince in his time of searching for a wife. 

"I...I...need to -" 

"See the Prince? Yes, that's what they all say." The guard laughs down at me. "Save yourself some dignity and walk on. If his highness is interested he will call upon you." 

I wrap my arms around myself shyly. "If you would be so at least tell him that Charlotte happened by and would like to speak with him." Perhaps, it would be nice to get to know the Prince after all. Celebrate my birthday at least a little by trying. It would be nice to be acquainted with him at least. He seemed like a lovely fellow and a handsome one at that.

The guard softened and peered down at me. "Charlotte." He slowly begins to smile. "So you are the girl he spoke of. He would be pleased to hear from you." He comes closer to the lock of the gate. "In fact, if you were to come back he specifically asked for you to be brought to him." 

My eyes widen in shock. I had made that big of an impression? He suspected that I would return as well? 

"Come along." The guard reached out his hand,  I assume to lead me to the entrance of the palace and then to the Prince himself. 

Oh, God, the Prince himself. 

Nervously I held back. "Maybe now isn't the right time." The Prince doesn't need an insane girl in his life. Especially one that is stuck between insanity and monstrosity. Either is horrible, but possibly both could be the case as well. 

"Come. Along." The  guard insists, grasping my elbow. He pulls me to the other side of the gate and locks it quickly behind me. "The Prince has been waiting for you. You've taken long enough already to finally get your way over here. The ball was his last resort to find you." 

"Find me? He knew about me before the ball?" I gasp as he pulls me along to the palace doors. "The ball was meant to find me? To lure me here? Why?" I was speaking to deaf ears. He wasn't going to be revealing any more. 

Inside the palace the guard left me in the entrance. "Charlotte!" He simply calls to the butler, who then takes me gently up the palace steps. 

The grand staircase located on the left side of the ballroom was extravagant and made of marble and trimmed with gold detailing. It led to an even more impressive balcony that offered a beautiful view of that despicably white shiny floor below. I found myself scanning my surroundings in awe more than looking where I step. 

"The Prince's quarters are this way." The butler gestures as he takes me down a long hallway. The walls are lined with smartly selected statues and framed portraits. One was the spitting image of Prince Carlos. It must have been a spectacular artist who did it. The look in his eye nearly stared right into me as I passed by. 

"The Prince has been under the weather this morning so forgive his grogginess. He would still like to see you." He pauses in front of the last door on the left. My mouth opens but he quickly shushes me reassuringly. "He will explain everything. Don't worry." 

He knocks on the door gently. "Your highness. She has come." 

A small rustling is heard from the other side of the door. "Thank you, Reginald." The Prince's voice is scratchy and low. He certainly does sound sick, that's for certain. 

Reginald bows to my briefly before leaving swiftly. I'm left on my own in front of the door. I don't know if I should knock or-

The door creeks open, but not all the way. "Charlotte?" He inquires quietly. 

"Yes... your highness." I whisper respectively. 

"Please come in, but please don't be scared. If you could try not to scream, I would also appreciate it." His voice is hesitant. 

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