Kill You

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I awake in my own bed, dazed and confused...absolutely flustered to put it mildly.

I wake up gasping for air, only pausing to catch my breath for a mere second before swirling my eyes around the room, checking for any clue that I was still in danger...and see nothing but my regular surrounds. Nothing out of place whatsoever. 

My chest throat aches as if I was choked unconscious rather than overtaken simply by the snap of the Beasts fingers.

Finally, at the side of my bed, I see some fresh bread and water laid out for me to consume. Seemingly famished, I jerk my body towards it...only to find myself chained to my own bed.

Squealing angrily I fight against the chains, battling against them relentlessly until the door flies open. 

Terrified by the sudden entrance I throw myself back to where I was and pull the covers over top of me. 

"It's only me, sweetheart," Carlos assures me quickly, rushing up to the bed and shoving the table with my water and bread closer to me. 

I shakily reach for the food and chow down quietly without making eye contact with my husband. I still don't know where things wise.

He watches attentively as if speechless. I wouldn't blame him it that were the case. I wouldn't quite know what to say either...

"I know everything." He suddenly blurts, causing me to drop my bread into the blankets.


"I-I've figured it out, Charlotte." He says earnestly.

I pause, taking in his words carefully. I try my best to conceive what he claimed but I couldn't quite grasp his words as the complete truth. It's too good to be true...once again.

"I don't think that's possible." I murmur unhappily. "Things are impossible..."

"No, no. They're not." Carlos desperately encourages, taking both of my hands in his. "You've brought things to light, sweetheart. I finally realize what's been happening right in front of my face." He whispers excitedly.

"B-but the beast's control. How do I remember what happened? How do you even remember?" I stutter out in disbelief. "I-I thought that I would wake up absolutely clueless and even more helpless than before." Tears stream down my face, barely enabling me to contain my sobs.

I thought it was all over...

All over with the snap of his beastly claws...

But, I've been saved. How?

"How is this possible?" I whisper hoarsely, my throat still sore.

"Maybe we're evolving, sweetheart." He lightly smirks and cups my face. "Or maybe we're just so damn stubborn we can't let this continue this way." He looks down almost in embarrassment. "Or maybe...I've had the resistance in me all along and now I've finally found a true reason to fight." His green eyes spark as they aim themselves at me.

I blush ruby red once again but decide on shaking my head in denial. "No, there has to be more to it than that. Simple stubbornness can't defeat the will of a practical God." I force him to face me. "Are you telling me that he intended to make me and I both, and it didn't work?"

He pauses, open mouthed and stunned.

"Tell me!" I grab his cheek bones between my handcuffed hands.

"No..." He admits. "You wouldn't still be hand cuffed if that were the case."

"Then what is happening?" I screech.

"He attempted..." Carlos trails off quietly.

"Gosh dammit! Carlos, tell me or I'll kill you!" I scream in frustration.

He gawks and stands away from me. "He attempted to kill you, okay! Kill you and erase my memory so he can choose another bride for me."

My jaw drops in shock and I rip up my hands, still confined by the cuffs. "WHAT?"

"It doesn't matter! He failed!" Carlos yells back at me before silencing himself quickly. He rips open the door and looks both the way down the hall before continuing.

I watch absolutely bewildered, unable to say anything or do anything except stare in disbelief.

He comes back, holding out his hands reassuringly. "He made a mistake. He entrusted me with the duty of killing you myself." He shrugs uncomfortably. "As a punishment."

I grimace and stare down at my sweating hands. "I can't go anywhere safely anymore, can I?"

"No." He says quietly. "We have to leave immediately as soon as you feed yourself."

I look up tear eyed. "W-we?"

He nods solemnly. "Of course."

I shiver and shake my head, still overwhelmed. "What have I done for my life to come down to this?"

Carlos shakes his head and kneels beside me. "You've been given more than you think. You will see once we're victorious, sweetheart. Victorious and together."

I only sob. "Such a hopeless dream that is! You're better off throwing me away and returning safely under the beasts rule. He doesn't know you have betrayed him yet." I push him away. "You should save yourself and I'll...just disappear. Go to another kingdom and leave it all behind me. Mind my own damn business for a change."

"I don't want you to mind your own business." Carlos responds stubbornly. "And most importantly, I don't want to lose you of all things, especially if my kingdom is still stuck in the Beasts hands. Nothing about this place calls to me if that is the case. I would rather be with you..."

"You barely know me." I dismiss him.

"True. But, for the first time I have been strong enough to reject the Beast's command because I couldn't stand to kill you." He clenched his fist, grabbing my attention. "That's how I know how important you are to me, and everyone else I care about in this place. You were worth enough to risk my life for you." He folds my hand in his, grubbing it desperately. "Please tell feel the same way. That you'll fight this with me."

I hesitate but find myself soothed by his words. Carlos helping me can't be any worse than what he's already done...he's likely to be found out as a traitor later on anyhow when he attempts to take on things himself.

I am as good as dead already...I may as well die doing what I believe in...

Finally becoming the knight in shining armour I never could be before...

Just the thought of it warms my heart.

"Yes." I say quietly. "Let's escape through Genevieve's window and take her with us." I suggest, fully hoping Genevieve isn't touched by the Beast after all as I've previously suspected her of.

Carlos beams, genuinely happy. "Thank you." He kisses my hand gently. "Now, gain your strength and pack your things when you can. Then, we shall be out of here, my dear wife." He pecks my lips and stands, smiling at first.

I can't help but notice the faltering of his smile. "What is it you aren't telling me?"

He sighed sadly. "I may be able to resist the Beasts command for now...but I may need Genevieve's help down the road. I don't know how long I'll be able to hold on..."

I gasp. "You mean-"

"Yes." He confirms. "Even though I love you...and need you, and my entire self wants nothing to do with hurting you..." He meets my eyes in shame. "I still have the unshakeable urge to kill you."

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