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The walk to my childhood home is strangely an exhilarating one, filled with hope and progress. 

The streets are being cleaned by the King's men as I walk by. Homes are being repaired nearly in the blink of an eye. 

The village will be whole again. Perhaps, the people will forget there ever was a Beast that once prowled the streets on this fateful day. Perhaps, they will forgive the past and this will become nothing but a myth they tell to their children at night...

I sure hope so. This will be nothing but a story in a few generations and Carlos's family will not suffer the consequences forever. Surely, the people will be thankful enough and continue living here now that the Kingdom is being repaired so quickly. Sure, none of them will walk the streets confidently for the next few weeks, but they will know that things have changed. 

We have a new Alpha now...but they don't need to know those details. 

Once I come up to the front door of the little home I once called mine I can't help but hesitate. 

So much has changed. I have changed drastically, my stepsisters have changed drastically...even my stepmother is gone from my life, rather permanently. Then, there's the issue of my father. I still haven't a clue when he will ever return. Perhaps, my mother told him to never ret-

The door abruptly opens, Laurie's emotionless face on the other side. "Surprise visit?" She mutters curiously. She peers down at my hands next, noticing that I have brought nothing with me. "No thank you gift?" 

I roll my eyes. "May I come in Laurie? To speak with you and Harriet?" 

She nods acceptedly. "Yes, but I should warn you of something." 

"What's that?" 

She just gestures for me to come in, holding the door open for me. I step in and remove my footwear nervously. I hadn't exactly planned out what I would say to the two of them...especially after exiling them and causing the death of their mother...I hadn't even considered that consequence!

"Don't worry about it." Harriet huffs the moment she comes into the room and sees my face. "She was nothing but a vile influence. We're quite literally liberated with her gone, Charlotte." Harriet giggles nervously. "Come into the dining room. We have something for you." 

"I should be giving you something." I protest but am ushered into the room.

Only to see my father sitting at the head of the table. 

I freeze in place, several emotions taking over my body at the sight of my father...he abandoned me when I needed him most because he couldn't stand to see me this way. He lied to me about too many things to count! He married the stepmother that caused this mess...but, to be fair, he was strongly under her influence. I simply don't know how much I can blame him for his weakness to her. 

I look to the ground and hold my hands in front of me. "Father...I don't know what to say." 

"Don't say anything." He says worriedly, standing from his chair nervously himself. "I have so much to apologize to you for. I should have been stronger for you. I should have stayed and taken care of you." 

I feel a small sting in my eyes and look away. "You were corrupted. I'm not going to personally hold that against you." 

"Yes, maybe so." He says regretfully. "But that doesn't mean that you are disappointed in me for letting you down. It's a simple fact. I shouldn't have allowed it to happen. I should have known what your stepmother was from the start. It's what caused all of this." 

I shake my head sadly. "It's alright. It's led me to a life worth living...I suppose you could say. I wouldn't want to have it any other way." 

He stands with his shoulders slumped and nods his head. "I can't argue with that...but regardless, I am terribly sorry that I couldn't have stayed to support you along the way." 

"You could have been hurt in the process if you had stayed." I shrugged. "Who knows what the Beast would have used you for otherwise. Bait? Who knows...I guess I'm glad you were able to avoid the crossfire and return home to a safe Kingdom without a terrible second wife to hold you down." I lightly joke near the end, sending Harriet and Laurie an apologetic glance. "No offence, ladies." 

"None taken. We're finally free to be whatever witch's we choose to be. Perhaps, we can even get into the doctoring field." Harriet giggles to herself. "That would be so fun!" The sisters giggle together while I tense up at the idea of them holding the live's of others in their hands with their limited knowledge. 

"Um, how about we put you through extensive training and then you can be of service to the Kingdom in all sorts of witchy...fields." I smile to them both. "You have much to learn, and I would be happy to provide you both with a proper teacher." 

The offer sits in the air for a moment. "We'll take it, but not as a handout. We'll take it as a gift for saving your life and Carlos' life." 

"Fair." I nod to them both. "Thank you, again." 

They nod and wave me off, the emotion becoming too embarrassing for all of us. 

Finally, I turn to my father. "And father, if there is anything you need, please let me know and I will get it for you." 

He smiles and nods. "How about a hug before you go? I'm sure your husband is waiting for you." 

I hide my smile and give him a quick, but warm hug. "Be safe. All of you. I'll reach out in the morning to let you know when your witchy classes begin." 

To my surprise, Harriet and Laurie both pull me in for a forceful hug the moment I let go of my father. "Thank you, sister. It will be a pleasure to serve you in the future." 

I don't reply, but it fills me with more hope knowing that they have my back. No more enemies to speak of, and my family is back where they should be. 

"Have a good night, all of you." I say farewell to them as I make my exit, looking back once more just to take in it all: my calming down stepsisters, and the father I thought would never return, all home where they should be. 

"Have a good night, Alpha." My father smiles at me, his face gushing with pride. 

"Goodnight, Alpha." My stepsisters smirk, but I know they mean it.

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