The Change

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Sometime during the night, I could have sworn I nodded off. Before I knew it, I was inhaling sharply as I awoke. My eyes peer down at my arms. They had already begun to change. Hair sprouted and was standing on end all the way from my shoulder down to my wrist. A low growl rumbled in my chest. I could not see my reflection from where I was tied but I imagine that I was already almost unrecognizable. 

It was not as painful as I imagined. It felt natural, yet wrong logically. I was not even frightened...just so, so angry. Tremendously furious at Marie for creating me this way, and tricking my father into marrying him, and making me a second class daughter in comparison to Laurie and Harriet. She tied me up here, she made a deal with the Beast just as my mother did.
For the very first time...I was just as angry with my mother for doing this to me. I realize I would have likely been slaughtered if she did not offer me to the Beast, but would it not have been better to have died then and never known the terrible secret of this Kingdom? The terrible secret that I am now a part of? 

I grit my teeth, merely attempting to hold back this overwhelming hatred. I could feel a scream developing in my throat, itching to come out. 

By the time I look back down again I not even human anymore. The tension leaves my body as I suspect I am now in my full form. I was not certain I would still be conscious at this point, but unlike last time, I am. 

I am a wolf. 

For the most part. 

Many parts of me are still human-like as if I were simply half wolf and half human. I cannot be sure, but the arch of my back remains the same, as well as my neck, and eyes. My feet, hands, legs, and arms are human-like still but built to kill. My face feels the same except for newly sprouted fangs. I imagine it appears as it did when I looked in the mirror yesterday morning.
I had thought werewolves could turn into a wolf entirely but I suppose I have never seen one other than myself. 

After a moments pause, the house quietened. For a moment I ponder on simply falling asleep again...until I hear the soft sniggering from across the hall. 

It was Harriet. I could tell from the nasally sound she always omitted when speaking or laughing.

It returned my anger in just a second. I allow the compressed scream erupt from my throat, coming out as a tortured howl. An effortless but terrifying howl I was instantly proud of.
Harriet whimpers in response, and I hear her door quickly click closed. Another rumble in my chest purrs a sound of amusement. 

I can't stay restless like this. I heave at the ropes. I doubted they would break as a human, but now, I have no doubts whatsoever. Which I am right to believe. The bonds snap and I attempt to leave the bed...

The spell. Marie cast that damn spell. 

It was a strong weight to battle, but not impossible. I am not sure if Marie realized how strong I was. Her spell isn't impenetrable by any means. 

I grunt with the effort but drag myself out of the bed and leap to my window.
Oh, freedom.

The wind, the dirt beneath my feet, the air flying through the hair lining my body was a pleasure not previously attainable as the regular Charlotte I had always been. 

Now things are blissful. 

For a moment, I look forward to spending an eternity this way.
I run for miles only on my hind legs. I am not sure if I should run on all fours but I am comfortable upright.

No growing tired, no awkward stumbling. Just perfection. 

I went back to the forest where I killed the doe the night before. 

The doe is gone now...but I sense something else. 

A scent. A familiar scent. 

I follow it without hesitation and end up on all fours as I follow the ground and head off of the path. I saw blood in the grass and sniff it. The doe? Some animal has dug it up? I creep closer the source, being careful not to make a sound. 

In the distance I see movement. Even in the dark, I can see the glisten of its black fur in the moonlight. 

I growl instinctually and it hears me. Its head pops up and meets my eye.
A wolf. A black wolf. 

I leap forward and bound towards it. To my surprise, it only cocks its head in curiosity. It isn't fearful or weary of me. Does it know what I am? 

As I come closer my brain begins to put two and two together. The scent. It is someone I know.
The Prince. Chowing down on my kill.

"Your Highness?" I pronounce the words carefully around my protruding teeth. Only a slight lisp could be heard. 


The wolf cocks its head to the other side as if playfully mocking me. 

To you, I am Carlos. 

I can't believe it. Telepathy. 

I laugh, a deep laugh that turns to a soft sob. In a matter of two days, this is what my life is? One where these things are normal? 

Noticing my distress he comes closer. 

It will get easier. 

I scoff. "Will it?" 

When all the surprises are out of the way, yes.

I suppose that is true. Not considering Marie. I thought on this as I began to sob harder. They will tie me up every night, won't they? Eventually, they will figure out how to contain me and I won't be able to escape. How can I even go home? 

Anything I can do to help? 

I pause, considering how much I should reveal. 

"I don't want to go home ever again." 

Why is that? 

"My stepmother was the Witch who transformed me. She knows what I am and she has already tied me up. She will every night while I'm under her roof. Plus my father has been taken by the Beast so that I won't change my mind on marrying you." 

He waits to make sure I am finished. 

Come with me. 

I peer at him suspiciously. "Why?"

It's almost sun up, and you are never going home to that again."

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