Rotten Egg

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We run wordlessly for what feels like a mere few minutes. As it turns out though, it was an entire hour of yipping and yapping at each other's heels. 

I could never have conceived that I would someday be such a playful little dog someday, but now, I can only see it as a miraculous gift. 

A gift with a lot of inner torment though, mind you. 

While the sun was up and the village was starting to wake up, I figured we would head back. I even paused and waited for the Queen to indicate that playtime was over and it was time for us to return. I pray that she does...just so I can run off and search without her breathing down my neck. 

Instead, she doesn't hesitate for a second, only merges deeper into the bush, deeper than I would ever dare alone. 

What is she doing??

From the outside, it appeared she was taken over by some sort of scent and was following it impulsively. Is that any wise way of acting though? What smell is worth being exposed by some woodsman lumbering around and spreading his scent? 

I tentatively follow her to at least get my own whiff. 

And boy, did I find one. 

I reel back immediately, completely terrified of the smell she was so hypnotized by. I want to scream at her to stay back, run for the hills with me! 

Something tells me she wouldn't listen even if I had a voice. 

So, now, I am left with two simple choices. 

Follow her and accompany her. 

Or desert my own mother-in-law the first day I met her. 

Surely, she knows what she's doing...I have to believe this as I bound after her, my tail practically between my legs out of pure instinct. I have never faced absolutely anything with such a powerful scent. A deer is potentially the most exciting thing that I have ever come across.

...At least that is true from what I remember...

Oh, no. 

The Queen takes off at full speed once we reach a mysterious clearing in the middle of the woods. To my relief, I see nothing occupying it, but the scent still lingers. 

I stand on the outer edge of the little meadow, craning my neck to look at every corner for any movement. 

Nothing, nothing, nothing....nothing there ether...but-

My paws dig into the dirt dramatically and throw me back into urgent motion the second I see the gigantic creature. I make a run back from where we came, my heart pounding in panicked terror. I became aware immediately that the Queen was not following me, but rather staying with the Beast. 

I can't let him get near me! What will happen if he does?? Will I even remember this encounter?? Will this be my last moment of consciousness before I'm completely hypnotized by his scent as well?

Why did I ever trust the Queen? Of course, she didn't want to just waste her time with a little run with little, naive me! Only an idiot would assume there was not a secret, underlying agenda on her mind. I couldn't have been more of a fool.

Inwardly cringing, I felt a helpless emotion wrack my body in grief. My body convulsed and my eyes stung as I ran towards the tree hiding my clothes. If this was my wolfy way of breaking down in sobs, it couldn't be more strange. 

I could see it in the distance, and I could also smell the faint trail of the scent lumbering behind me casually as if he was not even worried about whether or not he could catch up to me. It was practically a given that I was already captured in his mind...I can tell. 

I leap behind the tree and shift as fast as I possibly can. I have never been quicker, to be honest, and I am incredibly thankful. I throw my clothes in sloppily and make a run for the palace. 

I hated myself for trusting his embrace, but all I want right now is Carlos. I know he intentionally doesn't want to hurt me. He wants to be my knight in shining armour, no doubt; but this can't go on like this anymore. 

Something has to change. 

I rip my way through the garden and burst through the back doors. I am only greeted by the guards, who I speed past, only giving them a panicked look for them to get out of the way. 

Carlos is sitting at the dining table and I nearly run right past him. 

"Charlotte? What's going on?" He stands abruptly, confused worry plastered on his face. 

I rush to him without answering and throw myself into his arms. I don't have much time though, so I don't take the time to enjoy the feel of his arms around me. Gently, I push him backwards and sit him back in his chair. Leaning on each of his armrests I trap him in the chair and look to him intensely. 

"I am going to tell you something...and I know I shouldn't, but I have to. I just have to trust that you will try and fight it and that you will listen." I bite my lip in an attempt to hold back my tears, but he can see the horror-filled tears forming in my eyes. 

"W-what's going on?" Carlos stutters nervously. 

A growl erupts from the garden. The sound shakes me to my core and I can't help but shake with fear, my knees barely holding me up. 

"You have to fight it! Please." I whisper. "The Beast. He's controlling you! Everything has been a lie! He never let anyone free! It's the catch! There's always been a catch." I grab his chin in my palms desperately pleading with his stunned state. "He has been stealing your memories and replacing them with what he wants you to know. He's been speaking with you nonstop to get updates on me so that he can control me too, but you don't remember those meetings do you?" 

Carlos stares back at me wide-eyed and does not even flinch away from my gaze as another growl vibrates through the floor. 

He's coming inside.

How can I have any hope? It's far too late. 

"You have to fight it! And you have to believe me!" I sob as I feel someone from behind me drag me away from his grasp. 

Carlos stares in silence, absolutely frozen in shock. 

"I would never lie to you! I would never!" I shout through my tears. 

He looks to the ground the last I see of him, holding his hands together in what appears to be sadness at the sight of me being dragged away to the dungeon by one of the guards. 

And I fear I may just be disposed of, like a rotten egg that needs to be exchanged for a new batch. 

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