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*Genevieve Pictured Above*

I follow Carlos back to the palace. As the sun rises, I gradually become more human during our walk. Carlos doesn't open up for conversation until he almost human again, walking on two feet alongside me. I had not yet reverted back to my old self completely. I was growing shyer and shyer as more and more of my human naked body was revealing itself, but thankfully it seemed to be a slow process. Hair covers all that needs to be hidden, and he is refusing to look my way out of respect. 

"Do you transform faster the more you do it?" It was the only assumption that I could come to.

"Yes. At first you'll only transform partially like you have been. You can become a wolf entirely too - which is even more fun." He gives me a sly smile as we made our way back to the back gates. The guards hold out robes for us. I hadn't the slightest clue why Carlos had known to have one for me already waiting, as if he predicted he would be taking me home. 

"I didn't say it" I turn my face away to hide my grin. It was the time of my life to run around like that and he knew it. 

He throws on his robe and hands me mine. "Oh, please, Charlotte. Deny it all you want, but you're already starting to get excited." He winks at me as the guards let us through the back way. He reaches for my hands after I have thrown my yellow, satin robe on. I accept, and allow him to lead me up the steps. 

"Do all the guards know...about the wolf thing?" I whisper to him. 

He tugs me down the hallway until we reach the wing containing his bedroom. That's where he wishes to take me? He notices my hesitation. "We need privacy to talk about this, Charlotte. Plus I need to get dressed. I can provide one my sisters old dresses for you. You look about the same size." 

I silently follow him as he takes me past his room to a dead end. "Um...are you lost? There's a wall here Prince Charming." I hiss under my breath. 

He shakes his head in disbelief. "Already comfortable enough to be sassy with me, Charlotte. I have to be honest, I'm looking forward to taming you." He winks again, but I am not sure to which extent he means "tame", or if he is just making a werewolf joke. Either way, I can only scoff uncomfortably in response. 

"Anyhow," He continues, "This is a secret entrance. Have you ever heard of those, Princess?" He speaks slow as to lightly mock me, and I start pondering on whether or not Carlos has a serious bone in his body. I don't believe I've ever seen him half as serious as he was the first night I met him. He was more...normal at that moment? No...he's never been normal, has he?

"I have. I was actually hoping you'd have one. I so love mysteries." I roll my eyes as I reply sarcastically. We could likely go on like this forever. 

Instead of replying, Carlos simply smirks down at me and knocks slowly on the wall four times. A small spark in his brown eyes hint his growing amusement. If I wasn't too bold, I would assume he is actually starting to like me- like me a lot even. 

The wall suddenly opens, revealing a solidly built wooden door behind it. Dust hits the air immediately and I have to hold back my erratic coughing. The door clicks open, a small caramel arm reaches out and grasps my arm. The second it touches me it reels back in surprise. I jump back just as urgently as the arm does as Carlos breaks out in laughter. "Shhhh. Carlos, who is this girl?" The voice hisses from the other side of the door. 

"It is my bride." Carlos replies proudly, looking to me at his side. I could only blush. The girl on the other side doesn't reply but she tugs us both in and bolts the door behind her. My eyebrows raise in shock as I take the girl in and the surprisingly pristine room around her. 

"P-princess Genevieve?" I stutter nervously. 

The gorgeous woman waves her hand, dismissing my shock. "Yes, yes. One and the same, but I'm certainly no Princess anymore. That title died when my father informed the entire Kingdom I had died in childbirth after being knocked up by one of the guards of all things!" I could hear the obvious disdain in her voice, but I could also sense the same sarcasm that riddles Carlos's speech. 

"Y-you live in here? Now?" I look her up and down, still struggling to swallow my shock. Even now, she is beautiful. Long, straight, brown hair just like Carlos all the way down to her waist. Caramel skin, daring green eyes, and delicate features that suited her perfectly. She appeared fragile, but I could tell by her demeanor that she was anything but. 

She stands before me. "Yes, until I decide to move on...but I couldn't find the heart to move off to who knows where without seeing my brother inherit the Kingdom first." She looks to her kid brother proudly. "If you are his bride, then it would appear a light has finally appeared at the end of the tunnel." She grins from ear to ear and pounces forward, taking both my hands in hers. "Oh, you are such an adorable dear, aren't you? I do feel terribly sorry you had to be chosen as the Queen this way, but you will do finely in the end. Much better than I."

I can't bring myself to speak. Much better than her? I suppose that would mean she wasn't strong enough to....I look away sadly. I can't even imagine the life she must have being controlled by the Beast and forced to hide away so that the Kingdom doesn't find out she is still alive.  A life of a lie, and a life alone no doubt. 

"I am sorry for you more than I." I quietly respond. She lightly lets go of my hands, peering at me in wonder. I peer straight back as she leans away in awe. Slowly, a small smile splits her lips as she motions to her huge closet. "Get this girl a dress, Carlos. She's shaking with embarrassment in this adorable little robe." 

I believe Genevieve may just grow fond of me too. I will fight to make sure she does. 

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