The Beast

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"He wouldn't want you to do that." The King holds me back sternly by my arm. 

"I should! I have to see if he's alright, and if my father is even still alive. I must!" I desperately jerk myself away, completely disregarding the authority of the man in front of me, and the other fact that he will become my father-in-law. 

I stumble to the ground in the midst of my effort, and hit the ground with a annoyed growl. "Now, tell me where he went. Where is this Beast?" I am shouting now, while also struggling to keep my tears at bay. "There is no way I am letting both my parents die as a bystander. I cannot allow it! Never again!"

"There's no guarantee that it isn't already too late." The King replies, sympathetically stricken...which comforts me surprisingly. I had assumed he would side with the Beast, their so called "savior" and "sire" or whatever else they refer to him as.

"I have to look out for Carlos, and my father." I am set in my decision. "So take me to them, or so help me, I will tear this village apart - werewolf and all - looking for them in broad daylight if I have to!" 

His kind eyes take me in as I impatiently wait for his answer. Before long, it is clear he is offering no help and only means to stall me. "Very well then, I'll get my claws ready." I turn on my heel and make a run for it, only to tumble in the grass, completely tackled by the King immediately. I howl in frustration, batting him away helplessly as I lay underneath him. 

"You're completely turned." The King finally murmurs. I growl in fright, suddenly realizing I was beginning to lose control of my tongue. I can't speak? I nearly bite the King in anger, but he shoves me away before I can. "Get a hold on yourself, we can't go after them if you're going to be like this." 

I pause, watching him get off of me. "Let's go. When you're ready." He says, exasperated. "You're clearly not going to give up, so let's at least see my son safely home." 

My wolf flips itself upright, and I find myself on all fours. "No one will suspect you as anything but a wolf." He confirms as I look down at myself. It was miraculous really, I had barely felt anything in my fit of anger. Perhaps the anger itself is what spurred it on. 

"You're a perfect specimen of a werewolf now, dear." The King kneels beside me so that I may watch in awe as he changes as well, becoming a pure black wolf. Quite the contrast to my light brown one. He was quite a deal larger than I, and his wolf reminds me quite a bit of Carlos in his wolf form...


I feel worry spring in my chest as I turn to run without a second thought. With no sense of direction, I flee. I listen to the King bound after me, eventually surpassing me with only a few giant leaps. He takes off in front of me and I follow after him, trusting he knows how to find Carlos. 

As we run through the dark village, the streets are barren, but I can smell every single person in their homes as we pass them. It's astounding, and I can barely focus on running as I take in all the scents. In the distance, I can sense another smell finally reaching my nose...I don't know how I know, but as we ran it kept getting stronger. 

It's Carlos, I know it. He smells absolutely wonderful. I don't know how I recognize him, as my sense of smell had never been this strong before. I didn't even know he had a particular scent until this moment...but it's him nevertheless. 

Carlos!  Without thinking I scream his name within my head, unable to let it out verbally, and to my surprise, I hear his reply. 

Charlotte?  I can sense his confusion at my approach, but I don't care. I have to see if he's alright, and if  there is still time to save my father...oh, how could I begin to thank him for trying to save him?

I bound into the forest on the edge of the village, yipping in excitement at Carlos' closeness. 

For merely a millisecond, I see Carlos' wolf on the edge of the river ahead. His head turns to our direction, blood smeared the front of his head. I can smell the pungent scent of it from here, and let out a cowardly whimper when I distinguish who's blood it is...a human's. 

Don't step any further.

I find myself listening to the voice and run in the other direction, strictly driven by fear. Fear of what Carlos has done, and fear of whom the voice belongs to. 

The King follows me until I lay down, panting excessively. 

Are you alright? You have enough energy to make it back to the palace?  He asks me with exaggerated concern. 

I growl irritably and move away from him. I'm not tired in the slightest.

I wasn't lying. The thoughts running through my head are the only thing causing my hyperventilation. 

Tell me he didn't kill him. I whine anxiously. 

The King's wolf stares at me, cautiously thinking over his answer. As I stare at him, the forest grew silent with the exception of a low hooting of owls and the chirping crickets. The sounds were oddly calming, and my breathing calmed almost instantly.

Silently, I watched the King's ears lay flat on his head, and his head turned to behind him. My head is propelled to the same direction, so that both of us are able to see Carlos approaching. 

My senses soften, as acceptance washes over me. Carlos had not a speck of blood on his fur. 

Maybe, it had never been there. My eyes could have been playing tricks on me.

Carlos joins us, giving my ear a small lick in greeting. My chest grumbles blissfully at the small sign of affection.

I felt like I was dreaming for a moment, my vision blurred, and my senses heightened, only hearing and seeing one thing.

The Beast that stood proudly before us. 

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