One Of The Last Few

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We make love several more times throughout the rest of the day and night, Carlos scarcely leaving my side. I couldn't blame him, I didn't want to leave his side either. 

It was like a fairy tale, truly perfect and undeniable...but secretly my heart sinks at the possibility that it all a lie. We are nothing but pawns in the hands of the Beast, playing with and controlling our emotions and actions with ease while we believe ourselves to be free. Part of me expects that we are all his pawns despite the illusion that we are free...but then again, something in me believes that it can't quite be true. 

Something I can't quite I hope to God that Genevieve is free. I would hate for her to stay in hiding for no reason.

Oh, God, I wish I knew the things I would wonder about before all of this, but it's too late now. 

After a while, I have to ask Carlos. "Do you know anything about my father now?" 

He perks up immediately at my question and then shows his disappointment immediately after. "I don't really know much. All I know is that he is no longer in the care of the Beast. I don't know where he was released or when." 

I frown and look out the window at the Kingdom, almost as if I was looking for him and his little-tailored suit in the streets. "And what of my stepmother and stepsisters?"

"Exiled, still." He simply answers. "Just as you wanted." 

I sigh deeply. "You don't know where they are either? Would your father not be able to tell you?" I turn to him questionably. 

"I could ask him if you really want to know." He backs away slowly, sensing my anger...and surprisingly respecting it. "Sorry, I had assumed you wouldn't want any further information on them." 

"Yes, please ask. " I simply request before laying down under the messy covers of our bed. "I would like to know that they are at least established somewhere and all. They still deserve a life." 

"Alright. Consider it done. You rest, I'll ask him as soon as I see him." He kisses my forehead and departs then, leaving me to my own thoughts.

*          *          *          *           *           *

I awake during the night, inhaling my breath as if being startled by something. I could have sworn something was happening right in my bedroom but I only saw darkness. 

I struggle to catch my breath while I search the room. With my now heightened sight, I could clearly see that there was no one. 

Looking to my side revealed that not only was there no intruder...but also no husband. 

Carlos is gone as well. 

I throw on one of my nightgowns and stomp out of the bedroom. I hadn't a clue why, but I was instantly furious. I didn't need a husband that was sneaking about in the night, especially when I was already suspicious, to begin with. 

I run down the balcony hurriedly and walk barefoot across the cold, marble floor of the ballroom. I can hear the faint sound of whispers coming from the back entrance by the garden and I hurry my pace. I rip open the back doors then, not giving a care in the world for whether or not they notice me. 

It could be the King, the Queen, two people I have not met, but I don't care. 

As soon as I see it, I can't believe my eyes. Right there, before me, stands Carlos at the fountain at which we met, speaking to horrid beast himself. 

A warm hand clasps itself around my mouth and pulls me back inside before my roar of anger could come out. I instantly panic and wiggle against the body. Now, who is this? A servant? A guard trying to protect me?

No, it was neither. It was even more embarrassing. 

The King sighs as he finally gets me to face him. "You need to be quiet Charlotte. You can't walk in on their meetings."

My mouth flies open in both disgust, and shock at meeting him like this. "I - I, uh..." I stutter. "Hold on, you know my name?" I question nervously. 

He tugs me farther away from the back entrance and back to the ballroom. "Come, to the library, where we can speak in private." 

My mouth remained open. I was being invited somewhere with the speak in private! I was unbelievably nervous, especially since I had just married his son without his presence. 

Finally, he tugs me into the library and securely shuts the door behind us. He stressfully runs his hands through his surprisingly thick hair and after a pause, turns and faces me. "I already know everything, Charlotte. No need to feel terrible about it." 

I wince. "How do you know?" 

"You smell like him. I assume you had your heat suddenly?" 

I wince even more. "I...uh did...and I didn't want to let it go as an unmarried woman." 

"It's fine." He waves it off impatiently. "It is almost always like that, though I never told Carlos how hurried I married his mother. We never want to carry on the ridiculous, lust-induced tradition, but it always ends up that way." 

I frown and look at him coldly. "So, the Beast is always this impatient." 

"Always." He turns to me sadly. 

I take this in sadly and wait for him to continue while he paces even more impatiently. 

"C-can you tell me what is going on?" I finally murmured, afraid to be intrusive. 

"We have met already, Charlotte." He suddenly blurts. "But it appears, from your lack of recognition of me, that you don't remember." 

I groan sadly. "I suspected so." 

He pauses and comes closer to me. "You noticed?" 

"I certainly did notice the sudden memory gap, yes," I answer as a matter of fact. I could only imagine an idiot not noticing. 

He grins with relief. "Ah, that is very good! Very good! That means we have a chance." 

"What does that mean? Have a chance at what?" I interject with worry.

He turns to me seriously and takes both of my hands in his with contained excitement. "The Beast is controlling us again. I don't know if we were ever free, but what I do know now is that he is taking that freedom back...werewolf by werewolf. He's taken Carlos nearly entirely. Since Carlos believed he was never in any danger to lose that freedom, he never knew to fight it." He looks into my eyes intensely. "So, now I'm telling you." 

My eyes widen in astonishment. 

"I'm telling you that you have to fight it before our whole purpose is diminished. You are one of the last few that has a chance." 

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