The Library

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Carlos opens the ceiling high library doors. Inside, just as I imagined, each wall was lined with more books I've ever laid eyes on in my short life. Any individual, even one that does not care for reading, would drop their jaws at a sight like this. 

"Generations and generations of collecting has given my family quite the library, don't you agree?" Carlos asks rhetorically. 

I shake my head. "No, no. Not at all..." I attempt to joke, but can't even finish my statement. I'm too caught up in staring in wonder. This many books, all at my fingertips. 

Carlos softly chuckles behind me. "I'll leave you to it. I expect you'll be here for the better part of the day, but please make sure you return straight to your bedroom once you're finished. The less anyone sees of you the better. I have not announced our engagement yet and you've already moved in." 

"Understood." I reply absentmindedly. 

I begin scanning some of the closest shelving, assuming that he had already left. The books are magnificently preserved, and I begin breezes through multiple titles. Some I recognize, some brand new to me...

Carlos clears his throat, having not moved from where I saw him last. I whip my head back towards him and giggle. "Enjoying the view?" I snigger. 

He faintly smiles. "I'm just wondering...if you wanted your things from your home? And if you wish to write a letter to any of your family explaining your whereabouts I would be happy to have my men personally deliver them. Just can't reveal the obvious. " 

I falter, thinking of my father, who's whereabouts I had no clue of. Was Marie lying when she said the Beast had taken him as a way of punishing me? Now that I have returned to the right course will he release him if that is the case? Has he already released him? 

"What's the matter?" He frowns in concern. He strolls to me, his hands in both of his pants pockets...a sight I had to admit was extremely adorable. 

"I..." I'm not sure if Carlos has a connection to the Beast, but I have to try. "I was told by my stepmother, Marie...that the Beast had taken my father. I do not know of his whereabouts." 

Carlos freezes, taking this in before speaking. "And when does she claim he took him? And why?"

I was nervous to answer, worried Carlos would be offended at the reason he was taken. "Um, yesterday I believe. According to my stepmother, he was taken as as a way to punish me for second guessing marrying you." 

Carlos frowns, directing his gaze away from me thoughtfully. "And how serious were these second thoughts?" He asks neutrally. 

"Pretty serious, but I was wrong to. I was just terrified." I murmur regretfully. "I feel terrible. It had nothing to do with you, or your character - in fact, I find you quite-" 

He steps closer suddenly, more sparkled amusement in his dark eyes. "Charlotte..." He whispers. He pauses as I struggle to find my voice. "You find me quite what?" He stares at me curiously, but somehow just as seriously. His eyes narrow in the most inticing way and I couldn't help but briefly admire his boyish good looks. He's barely a man, and is still older than I, but he radiates youth. A youth that I already find addicting. 

I lean against the shelf behind me as he comes closer. "Come on, Charlotte, this doesn't have to be a big mystery. Don't leave me hanging in suspense." He smirks down at me, speaking so softly, it was barely audible. He gently leans his right hand against the shelf beside me, cornering me without an escape. 

"Q-quite charming?" I reply just as quietly. He leans closer, but I sense he is only teasing me. Thankfully, I didn't take his advance seriously and lean he quickly backs away after my answer. 

"Shoot, I was hoping for quite handsome." He winks, as he strolls to the exit. "Write a letter to your father, and I'll make sure it finds him. I'll also make sure your stepmother knows why you've disappeared." He's opens the doors and turns to face me as he closes them. "She'll pay for what she did to you." He assures me. 

"Thank you, Carlos." I reply, truly meaning it. 

"I'll see you later today, Charlotte. Make sure you have the letter ready." Carlos smiles, and then closes the over sized doors. 

I'm left behind, guilt-ridden for every questioning running away from Carlos. I should have known from the start that he is genuine. He isn't the enemy. The Beast is, and with Carlos, perhaps we can figure out things together. I don't have to fight against the grind all the time and decide what is wrong and what is right. The Kingdom has been run peacefully like this for centuries, and I've been paired with my supposed werewolf soulmate. Not only that, but I've been given all the riches I could need - not that that was every important...and lastly, eternal life with the man who could be my soulmate. 

He could be, if I open up to it. 

My heart has already begun to flutter just thinking about him. So do the butterflies flying away inside my stomach whenever he is close. I don't know how much longer I can stand the tension. I've never been involved with romance before and I haven't the slightest clue how to go about it. 

I've never been kissed, I've never even danced with a man or been spoken to like how Carlos speaks to me. Speaks to me as if...he's entranced by me, just as I am entranced by him. 

How am I to keep my bearings straight now? I'll be facing him every single day until the tension breaks. Eventually he will kiss me. That I know. Eventually he will hold me as his. Soon he will make me his Queen, marry me, and pledge his life to me. I barely know him, but just thinking about it is making me a nervous wreck. 

I'm already developing the kind of crush that doesn't let up. The kind I read about so many times, when you begin to think of them for hours after they've left. When I go to bed tonight, I won't be able to get him out of my thoughts. He's permanently stuck there, now and for always.

I force myself to write to my father. It is the only distraction I have until I see him again. I can't even focus on the thousands of books surrounding me...

And that's a first. 

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