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I never imagined that I would band together with my stepmother and my ditzy stepsisters.

Then again, I never imagined any of this treacherous adventure.

Now, all of us stand in the meadow, our backs turned towards freedom.

We could run.

But we're choosing not to.

"Do you think he'll sense us coming and come to us?" Carlos asks worriedly.

"I'm sure he can't wait to see us," I conclude after a moment's thought.

"I would have to agree." My stepmother nods solemnly. "But that is not all I fear about this entire situation." She warns lowly. "I have one more concern we should deal with before we storm the Kingdom."

"What would that be?" I say curiously as we approach the border.

"Carlos. He is still under the beast's influence whether or not he wants to admit it. The link hasn't been severed." She sends me a side glance. "I wouldn't even bring him along if I were you, alpha. We'll only be providing the Beast with a convenient weapon against you, your own husband."

I tilt my head down, silently agreeing.

Carlos physically shows his disappointment but doesn't fight the decision. "I will stay behind on this side of the border." He eyes me sternly. "I will worry for you though."

I gently take one of his hands between both of mine. "I know. I also know I will return." I promise him.

He nods, grimly accepting that I must leave now. "I feel like I am useless in all of this. I wish I could slaughter him myself." He says spitefully with gritted teeth. "For my sister...for my Kingdom. I'm the most useless Prince there has ever been." 

"It's not your fault." I gently assure him. "You were born into this. You couldn't have stopped his control over you." I lean closer comfortingly. "Besides, there have been dozens, upon dozens of Princes before you that did nothing. You'll go down in history as the Prince of the rebellion, Carlos." 

But he thinks differently. I know it, and I can't do anything about it. Sure, he's the Prince of the rebellion, but he's sending his wife into the battlefield instead of himself. 

We'll have plenty of time for our reconciliation after this is all over...if we make it through at all.

Yet, I don't fear it. I nearly welcome it. I don't want to go down as a coward. I don't want to be known as someone who had the chance to make a change but ran instead.

I will be the Knight in shining armour. At least once. 

I nearly smile to myself as my stepfamily crosses the border. I turn to Carlos at the last second and hold his hand, squeezing it tightly as a silent goodbye.

I want to kiss him goodbye but somehow that feels too final. "I'll be back to kiss you when we've won. I promise." I tell him quietly.

I can see the wetness in his eyes but I shake my head.

"Don't be afraid. This isn't the end. This isn't goodbye." I assure him once more before slowly letting go of his hand.

"Good luck, Alpha." He says grimly, holding back the crazy emotions I am sure he feels. 

The butterflies in my stomach feel like they're ripping painfully through my body, but I have to ignore them. I feel like he hates me for leaving him behind. I feel like he hates me for stirring up so much madness that it led to his sister's demise. All of these facts are true...and I wouldn't blame him if he did. 

Perhaps, he'll run the second I leave. Our relationship hasn't led to much, after all. It's all felt like a simulation in some way. I have no idea what he truly feels. All I know for sure is that he believed me when it came to saving the Kingdom. What does love have to do with that? 

My stepmother snaps her fingers in front of my face impatiently. "Get yourself together, this lovelorn crap is only wasting our precious time!" 

I shake my head and look to Carlos one last time. "Look, I don't know how much you truly care for me - if at all, but I'm going to save this Kingdom. For you." I turn before I can register his reaction and run. 

"Run quickly, Alpha, or else we'll beat you there, sweetheart." My stepmother cackles. Her two daughters, Laurie and Harriet, cackle just as irritatingly as they split a few branches between them. "Witch flight isn't a myth." Harriet winks. 

I only growl and shift midair. Time to run like the wind.

*           *          *           *           *             *

The village is in an uproar. Smoke fills the air as most of the buildings burn. The sight alone makes me sick as I run through weeping families fleeing from their homes. They're even more terrified at the sight of me prowling through the streets. No doubt they believe I'm just as evil as the Beast himself who prowled his way through here destructively already. 

I wouldn't think differently. 

Especially with cackling witches flying above me, peering down at the flames with near smirks on their faces. 

I follow the witch's lead to the palace. I can smell the stench of the Beast as we approach. 

As I approach the steps, I grimly take in the sight of the crumbling palace. He's obviously taken his anger out on the structure. Who knows what has happened to the King and Queen...

My stepmother lands beside me, her daughters not too far behind. 

"He's coming..." She whispers under her breath, only a tad of fear apparent in her voice. "He knows we're here." 

The Beast's heavy steps lumber towards us, a cheerful grin nearly apparent on his horrible, wolf-like face. "What a lovely surprise." He chuckles heartily. He turns to my stepmother happily. "Thank you for delivering her, pet." 

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