First Generation

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"What if I told you I was pregnant with the heir of the throne?"

The words came out of my mouth vengefully before I could stop them. The fact wasn't far as I knew, but it might buy me some time. Wouldn't it?

The Beast growls and turns towards me. The degree of anger in his eyes is unmatchable. If his expression wasn't so terrifying, I wouldn't have been able to divert my attention from Carlos' state of surprised shock. 

I don't know which of them is more surprised. 

"No such thing is true." The Beast mocks me, setting Carlos briefly back on the ground. 

I struggle to scratch my way to my feet, ignoring the shooting pain in both of my legs. There's no way I'm lying here helpless while he approaches me once again. "You have no way of knowing it isn't true." My eyes slide to Carlos, trying to read his innocent brown eyes...but I can't. I see the surprise, but I can't read whether or not he understands what I'm doing. Nor can I tell him telepathically without assuming that the Beast will hear.

I have a hunch he can't tell I'm lying, which is all the better to make it believable. 

The Beast gutturally laughs. "I sense no new life, little fool. I am the Alpha, the creator of all werewolves. I am connected to all of you, and I am telling you that there is no new werewolf." 

I growl and lean up against a nearby tree as I gain my strength. "You don't know that for sure. The life is there. You forget I have connections that are out of the ordinary."

"Do you mean to threaten me?" The Beast scoffs. "Or are you pulling desperately at a preposterous story that couldn't possibly explain this pitiful pregnancy claim? You realize I still have no issue with disposing of you, baby or not?" 

"My stepmother, Marie." I spit out. "I was raised by her. You truly believe I didn't learn a few tricks from her, hiding in her bedroom closet while her and my stepsisters did their work?" 

The Beast stays silent, breathing deeply and angrily. "What could you possibly be insinuating? You have to be born with a witch's gene to do their work. Besides, from what I heard, you were quite surprised to hear that your stepmother even was a witch when you first found out. She tied you to your bed if I recall correctly." He smiles smugly. 

"I'm quite the actress. Besides, I am more useful to you than you know. You are the creator of werewolves, not the creator of witches." I half-smile weakly. "And my stepmother was not the only witch that I knew, was she? Not that you would know for sure." 

The Beast shakes his head and grabs Carlos back into his claws. "You stall me any longer, Princess, and I'll find a new Prince too. I can be patient, but not too patient." He smiles threateningly. 

"You'd be a fool to do that too." I stand on my own now, leaning away from the tree. "There are no other Prince's. In fact, Carlos and I are the only ones left to reproduce." 

"Not true." The Beast rolls his eyes and shows his teeth. "You're pushing my patience a little bit too far, little fool. Carlos' parents are far from their expiry." 

"That would be true if they weren't dead," I reply quickly and sharply. "I told you. I am gifted."

Carlos steps away, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. I wish I could reassure him, but all I can do is hope he trusts that I would never hurt them. 

The Beast roars with laughter. "That's impossible." He continues to laugh, barely able to stay upright at the hilarity of my claim. 

"Oh, really? I would check if I were you because I can guarantee, that I'll be the only one that can bring them back." I challenge him. Tenderly I lean down and touch the wound on my leg, concealing it underneath my hand. "Want to see proof of my gifts? Just take a look at this." Slowly, but surely, I pull my hand away from my deep tissue wound. 

The Beast looks, hiding his curiousity well, but I can tell it's there. 

Finally, he can get a good look at my leg, and so can Carlos, who is also watching anxiously for the reveal. He would have had no idea. He's on the edge just as much as the Beast.

"There's your proof." 

The Beast cocks his head and looks from my leg to my face. "Are you joking? If anything the damn thing is bleeding even more." 

"Look down." 

He does, growling with fury at the matching wound now appearing on his leg. "What is the meaning of this? It's impossible for you to have powers, you puny, little-"

"Is it?" I shake my head. "I thought you were smarter than that." I smile once more. "Now, let us go. We're the last of your children in this entire Kingdom, and you did that all on your own. Sure, I planted a trap for you, but you did the rest. Genevieve knew the risk of helping us flee, but she and I spoke and came to an agreement and finished the ritual before our escape. Her life was linked to her parent's. The moment her heart stopped beating, so did theirs...until I undo it. Until then, they have limited time before they've been dead for too long." 

The Beast stares at me darkly. "Only first generation witches are that powerful. Such a thing is too rare to even speak of." 

I smile and nod. "Well, we're speaking of it now. And I can also conceal a child from you, Alpha. Leave us be, and you won't lose everything you've worked to build for centuries."

Carlos stares at me wide-eyed, and I can only nod to him.

"Now, if I were you, I wouldn't waste too much time getting back to the palace to check on the King and Queen," I add quietly. "They don't have much time before I lose my patience."

I expect him to pick both of us up, whip us over his shoulders and force us with him...but he doesn't. He simply sneers down at me before making the choice to leave.

Without us.

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