Smothered and Torn

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Part of me isn't the slightest bit surprised, as if I inadvertently intended to fall into my stepmother's trap. Another small part of doesn't want to believe my ears in fear that I have finally failed.

Thank you for delivering her, pet.

Tell me it isn't true. Tell me it isn't true.

I turn back into my human form and let myself fall to the ground in defeat, the hard, stone steps before the palace hitting my knees unpleasantly.

"Don't pretend you're surprised, dear. The winning team is the only option for those that choose to survive. You can't expect everyone to take sides with a weak rebellion led by a pitiful girl." My stepmother peers down at me, a neutral, unemotional expression plastered on her face.

"Mother!" Harriet whimpers weakly, almost in disgust. "I didn't think that-"

"Shut up, child. If you want to keep your pathetic little life." My stepmother snaps.

Harriet grimaces and sticks out a pouty lip. I wasn't sure if I was happy she seemed upset at her mother's betrayal or just indifferent. What could she possibly do to help, after all?

"No. I shouldn't be surprised." I mutter quietly, holding back the terror and disappointment in my voice.

The Beast smirks with pride. "Child, it was adorable to see you try. It was almost admirable. If I knew you could be trusted, I would almost wish to promote you in the royal family." He peers down at me intensely as if considering it for another moment. "However," He muses, "you cannot be trusted, dear. I think you must know that."

I look down to the ground, my lip quivering from pent-up anger.

I'll kill him.

I don't utter a response so he turns to my stepmother. "The prince will be taken care of, I presume?"

My eyes turn up immediately, my body lurching itself forward in anger. "Taken care of?" I turn back to my stepmother and leap towards her, turning into my wolf midair. My howl resonates through practically the entire Kingdom.

Surprisingly, the Beast doesn't step in until my teeth have already torn through her forearm. Her pitiful little squeal fills the air as she bats on my head with her weak, little hands. She doesn't even have the concentration to toss me away with whatever witchy powers she supposedly possesses.

How did I ever think she would be helpful in this battle?

"That's enough." The Beast laughs to himself as he tugs me off of her, her blood dripping from my growling lips.

My stepmother falls to the ground, her little, chubby chin trembling. I stare at her, not holding back any of my wrath.

I could have run. The Beast knew I would head to the border and she waited for me there! She didn't even have to work to get me here! I trotted myself right on over!

I have never felt so much anger or hate. What a grand Knight I am!

My stepmother ignores me somehow and points behind me. "Where did they go?" She says in disbelief. "My daughter's. Where did they go? Why did they leave me?"

I transform back into my human form, no longer feeling any sting of the transformation after all this time. "Because you are an unworthy mother. A woman only capable of raising unworthy daughters."

The Beast rolls his eyes mockingly. "Running fools. To think I thought I had loyal companions to take your place after I've finally disposed of you." He addresses my stepmother with a wink. "I suppose I'll have to find a new witch family to do my bidding." He turns to me as my stepmother's face shows her dread. "It is truly a pity you didn't turn out to be of witch descent, Charlotte. You might have filled the role quite nicely...once I beat the loyalty into you...but as you exist now, you're still quite useless."

"I suppose now I should be rid of both of you." He continues after a pause. 

I aim to make my last words at least sting one of my enemies. I turn to my stepmother with a sneer. "Still relieved in choosing the winning side? At least the losing side would have been loyal to you, flip-flopping bitch."

The Beast's swiping hand targets her first, his enormous talon-like claws scratching the surface of her neck. The nails swipe her so hard she goes flying beyond my vision. I can't help but wince and close my eyes.

She's finally gone, but I'm next.

He turns towards me with a smile and approaches me menacingly slow, taunting me with his closeness. "Are you ready to die, pet? Perhaps, at this point of your failure in your people, it is nothing but a mercy on my part. You really should be thanking me." He sickly jokes.

I can't bring myself to respond verbally. I only have the motivation to transform once more to my wolf, to fight until the end. I will not lie here and wait for the bastard to come to me.

"Going to run, little one? That isn't exactly the most dignified way to die." He taunts me as I stand to my hind legs, oddly surprising him as I do so.

"Ah! Such a pity, girl. You have so much potential. You're my first offspring that has been able to stand as I do, and yet, you still force me to kill you. Stupid, stupid girl!" He pulls back angrily in preparation of giving me one lethal, powerful blow.

I snap open my teeth and lurch towards him in defence.

The Beast whimpers before I even reach him, stumbling in his step. His faulty step only allowing my teeth to penetrate his neck, ripping their way into the vulnerability of his throat. He yells angrily and jerks away from me, only to yelp again.

I look up curiously as I snap my teeth back into his flesh, his desperate claws attempt to throw me off. I look up and see...

Another wolf biting along with me.


More energy surges within me as we both take him down together, ripping and tearing at him until he's brought to the ground. Another wolf joins us, and another, and another, all of us tearing at the father of us all.

Tearing him apart until his whimpers are barely strong enough to be audibly heard.

Until eventually, the Beast is not heard at all.

Smothered and torn at by the sons and daughters he created.

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