The Prince

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"Scream?" I screech as I'm dragged into the room. The curtains were drawn over all the massive windows that lined his room, and the room was littered with clothes as if he had just finished emptying his entire closet. I nearly stumble over the mountain of clothes. 

He holds onto my elbow to steady me....and then I saw him. 

His appearance was just as twisted as I was myself this morning. "You-" I gasp, keeling over backwards. I land on his bed. "Please tell me that none of this is happening." 

The Prince winces, covering his face. "I know, I know. It's insane, but you would be an awfully lot more shocked if you hadn't seen a face like this already." He sits down on the floor in front of me.

I'm struck speechless. I can only take in his menacing fangs and knife sharp claws. After a moment of silence, he continues. "This is only part of the transformation." He looks up, his eyes a glowing yellow. "When I'm fully changed, you wouldn't even recognize me." 

I stand, batting at his chest in frustration. "Please tell me you didn't bite me!"

"No, no!" He slinks away. "That's not how it works anymore. Biting humans almost always leads to death. It's too risky to change just from a bite. Magic needs to be applied for a person to remain strong enough to become-" He gestures to himself almost casually. "This." 

My eyes glare right into him in shock. "Tell me why the hell this happened to me! Now!" My regular timid, polite tone was long gone. He attempts to answer, but I cut him off as another thought came to mind. "What do you mean? Magic?"

He shakes his head and plops down beside me. "What I mean is that this transformation wasn't an accident. It isn't a matter of being bit by a raging werewolf anymore. You have to be bitten by the Alpha and has to be aided with a witch's magic to prevent you from dying in the process. It's either planned or inherited from your parents, like in my case."

"You mean, one of your parents is a werewolf?" I whisper in disbelief. "And someone purposely did this to me to torture me?"

The Prince winces once again."It isn't meant as torture, it is viewed as destiny, Charlotte. It has been the Royal family tradition for generations." He trails off, the regret evident in his voice. 

"Your family did this to me??" I screech.

"Not directly, I promise." The Prince claims quickly, becoming alarmed at my reaction. "For generations, we have remained a long line of werewolves. To keep the werewolf line pure, every ruler requires another werewolf to rule with and reproduce with so that all children are guaranteed to inhetrit the werewolf gene."

"How many generations?" 

"As long as history goes." He admits. 

I shake my head in denial. "Why would your family insist on keeping the werewolf gene? It's a curse!"

"It is not a curse. It is a gift..." He drifts off. "...and we do not have a choice. We are forced to by the Alpha. We have to abide by his wishes, and he wants a pure werewolf family ruling the Kingdom. "

"Oh Lord, of course you all have an Alpha...wouldn't that be your father, the King?" I question.

"No. The Alpha is very different than us. Much more powerful, and he was the first of our kind. He made us all."

"Please, tell me you know why this was done to me. You knew my name! You have to know something!" I plead, even bringing myself to grab his arm to hold onto his attention. 

He sighs deeply. "You were changed, as you were supposed to be an offering to me, to be my mate and Queen. Both the King and Queen must be a werewolf to continue the line." He waits patiently for my response, but I doubt I could provide one without screaming and punching a nearby wall. Extremely unladylike, but I don't care anymore. 

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