Chapter 1: Drunk Lucas Is No Fun

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NB: *Editing In Progress*

I race down the hallway while shoving my ankle boots on. I grab my jacket then trudge into the kitchen. Mom is standing there making coffee as she does every morning. "Sweetie what's with all the bustling?" She asks with an arched eyebrow.

"I'm late." I grunt while pouring out some coffee into a mug. Why is school eight in the morning? Seriously, it's so annoying.

"And who's fault is that?" She inquires. I grunt again.

My eyes catch my mismatched socks and my face morphs into disapproval. I couldn't find the other and had to settle for this. Hey, at least I got socks.


"Exactly." She answers, shaking her head.

"Lucas is late. Again. For the third time this week!" I complain. He is the one that demands he drops me to school everyday. So at least keep to your word and be on time. He lives right next door but sometimes go at the local diner for breakfast before picking me up.

His parents are mostly out of town and he can't cook to save his life.

"I'll drive you." Mom suggests, eagerly. Thanks, mom but that would be a hard no.

"Then you'll be late. You have to go all the way across town." I remind her. Her face falls.

"I don't know, I just feel like it's been forever since we've had some me and you time and this will be the perfect opportunity. I don't want my work to get between us." She explains, a bit sad. Mom is an architect that's currently working on her biggest project in years. So basically, she's barely home and instead is at the office twenty four seven. This job thing means a lot to her and I just want her to be stress free.

"Mom, it's fine. I'll walk. Lucas will meet me somewhere along the streets anyway." I try to assure her. She sighs then brings her glass of coffee to her lips.

"Fine." She finally gives in. "But this project has at least two more weeks to go and I promise you, I'll spend all the time in the world with you, okay?" I smile widely and pull her into an embrace. Mom hugs are the best. It's warm and there's this feeling of being loved. I can't really explain it but it's nice.

"Okay, I have to go or I'll be extra late." I grab my coffee and run out the door. Well more accurately, I skip. Don't ask why. I, myself, have no idea why I did that.

"I love you." She shouts after me. I love you too, mom.

Damn, the sun is hot this morning. My brown hair hangs loosely on my back and is now clammy with sweat thanks to Lucas. I shrug off my jacket and quicken my pace as I sip my coffee.

A few minutes later, a car rolls up next to me and I immediately know who it is. "Stella, get in." Lucas instructs, his head all the way out the window. I continue walking, pretending to be oblivious.

"You're going to burn in the sun, you know." He points out, laughing. So this is a joke to him. It is all smiles and giggles.

"I already am, thanks to you." I state dryly but goes to the other side to open the door. I slide into the passenger seat and shove my bag and jacket into the back seat.

"Look at my hair." I whine while picking up strands of my hair to inspect it. They look clammy. Ew.

"As if it doesn't look like that all the time." He snickers.

I turn to him slowly then shove him in the side. "Hey, hey! I'm driving here! Chill out, I was only joking. Your hair is beautiful, Stels."

"Whatever." I mutter with a small smile. "Why were you late anyway?" I ask while turning up the AC.

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