Chapter 30

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Last Goodbyes

I opened my front door and made my way off the porch and into the driveway. As I glanced over, I saw Lucas making his way down his driveway with a huge smile shooting my way. My grin widened as we both headed to our mail boxes.

After doing finals two months ago, we awaited our acceptance letters. Rhen just texted me that she got hers and was going to MIT. I was happy that she got to go to her dream school. I was sure she was ecstatic.

Nervousness was a mild word compared to the amount of anxiety flowing through me. Would I get into Harvard or not? I applied for Harvard, Yale, MIT and NYU. I could only hope I got into at least one of them.

I opened the mail box and as told, my mail was sitting there. I couldn't look at it for too long because then I would get really nervous. I pulled it out quickly and as if on cue, Lucas sidled up next to me. "This is the moment we have been dreading and anticipating at the same time." I nodded, biting my lips worriedly. "You'll be fine." He ruffled my hair and I slapped his hands away. "Okay, fine. I'll open mine first." I nodded.

I watched carefully as Lucas opened the letter with Harvard's seal on it. He took a deep breath before pulling it out. He scanned the letter, silently. I bounced on my feet nervously as he took forever. Wouldn't he have seen if he got accepted in like the first or two lines? So what was so time consuming? He was freaking me out. His face was blank and my mind wasn't picking up on his mood.

A wide smile broke out on his face and I automatically grinned along. "I got in." He said as he fought to contain his happiness. I squealed as I jumped into his arms to hug him. His hands wrapped around me as his chest shook with laughter.

I pulled away as a burst of adrenaline came my way. "Okay, okay. Open mine." I handed it over to him. As he reached for it, I pulled it back. "Wait no, I'll open it." I stated with a reassuring nod to myself. Then I changed my mind. "No you open it." He reached out again and I pulled it back, afraid to open it. "No, forget it. I should open it."

"Stella" Lucas snapped me out of my rambling. I looked up at him with wild eyes. "Are you going to open it while I'm still eighteen or not? Time is not waiting for you to make a decision." He voiced with a smile. I rolled my eyes as I handed it over to him.

He took it and stepped back so I couldn't peek. I tapped my feet against the grass as a nervous, hopeful smile made its way on my face. Lucas skimmed the letter with a smile and my smile got wider.

The moment I saw his smile dropped, my heart did the same along with my smile. 'Stels. Don't worry. You'll probably get into MIT-" A frown made its way on my face and he stopped talking.

"I didn't get in?" I whispered with furrowed brows.

"No but I hope our dorm rooms aren't far because-" I leaped into his arms with a huge smile. I saw him trying to contain his smile so he wouldn't blow his little act. I was basically being lifted off the ground as he tried holding me up.

We both then plummeted to the ground as we continued laughing. I couldn't believe we actually got into the same University. It really came as a truck load of joy hitting me in the chest. The impact of the hit was amazing but it was the after effect that had me on a high.

We just laid there on the grass hugging each other tightly as the sun beat down on us.


"Wait, are you guys getting married?"

I stared at Mrs. Patterson with a gaping mouth. My mom shifted in her seat while giving me a look as Mr. Patterson watched between us four. We were sitting at the Patterson's living room, hoping to tell them the good news.

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