Chapter 17

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A Smile A Day Keeps The Disease Away

I wake up the next day with a playful aura. Sometimes I would wake up with a really shitty mood and the next with a happy go lucky mood. Today I am all rainbows and unicorns. I feel mischievous.

So maybe that's why I am standing in front of Lucas' room door with a can of whipped cream in my hand. I open the door softly and peek through the small space. Lucas lay there with his eyes close and headphones in his ears. A smirk make its way on my lips as I proceed into his room.

Walking carefully toward his bed, I lean over him to ensure he's in fact listening to music. His chest heaves and I bend forward to spray some whipped cream along the outline of his body. I curse under my breath at its loudness. Let's hope the music he's listening is loud enough. Lucas is a light sleeper.

I spray a bit in his hands then look over to his dresser to see a bottle of cream. I grin at the sight. I take off the cap and spread the white substance onto his face carefully.

Just when I am about to leave, he mumbles something in his sleep. I turn around slowly. "So you're just gonna shoot me?" Huh? What the- "Rid me off this world?" He's talking in his sleep. "Please don't shoot me." He tosses in his bed and me being completely freaked out by the sight, I run up to him. Shaking him lightly, I whisper, "Lucas."

"Don't shoot!" He shoots up straight in bed and I scream. That startled me. I clutch my chest and take in deep breaths. He laughs at my freaked out expression. "Just look at your face right now." He roars in laughter. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "You really think I wouldn't notice you sneaking into my bedroom? And the noise of the whipped cream sold you out." He gasps for breath.

My jaw is on the ground. "So if you knew why did you continue to let me plaster you with cream?" I ask, waiting to hear his response. He rise from the bed and head toward the bathroom with a towel thrown across his shoulders. No shirt.

"And miss out on your priceless reaction? No way. Plus, I wanted to see how creative you'd get with the whipped cream." He explains and I shake my head disapprovingly. "Turns out, you're not that creative." He shoots at me before pausing in the doorway. I roll my eyes at his comment, grab a pillow then throw it at him.

He shifts to the side easily and the pillow land with a thud on the floor. He sticks his tongue out at me playfully and I purse my lips. "Are you going to get ready or what? Don't want to be late for our shift at the children's hospital." He informs me and I nod, now remembering.

Mrs. Charlotte always make us help out at the children's hospital about thirty minutes away from here. I love helping out. The kids there are amazing. I always love interacting with them. Seeing the smiles on their faces are worth memorizing. "In that case, see you in a bit?" He nods before heading into the bathroom.

I shower and pick out dark blue jeans with a simple top along with my converse. My hair is in a high ponytail and I make sure to grab my backpack. I have a few small gifts in it. I meet Lucas on the stairs along with Mrs. Charlotte who's currently smoothing the non-existent wrinkles on his t-shirt. He make a face as if to say 'help me' and I silently laugh.

Mrs. Charlotte looks up at me and I grin. I greet her with a tight hug. "Oh make sure to check in with Bella so that she can get you guys passes, okay?" She reminds us and we nod, ignoring the fact that she told us this three times for the morning.

Lucas and I quickly head toward the car since Mrs. Charlotte wouldn't stop bickering about being on our best behaviour. Honestly, she worries too much when it comes to these things. Lucas and I are always on our best behaviour! Right?

The silence in the car is soothing. There is nothing uncomfortable about it. What is uncomfortable though, is the stop we make. Lucas pulls onto the side near a house and I turn to him with creased eyebrows. "I told you I invited Casey, right?" He asks and I glare at him.

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