Chapter 22

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Just A Glimpse Of The Past

After assuring Lucas that I would be right back and was just going to meet Rhen at the front, I made my way towards the open entrance.

Maybe I should've brought Lucas with me in cases where Jackson suddenly decided to pull a 'push you to your death' move. But then again Lucas would make a scene and things might turn awry. And I really couldn't afford for things to get awry.

My heels clicked against the wet pavements as I searched for Rhen who was currently M.I.A. I didn't like this. Where was she? I would have to say I was surprised to see evidence of rainfall. While inside, nothing hinted that it was raining.

I rubbed my arms as the cold bit into my skin. I really should've carried a jacket. My hair blew across my face as the wind caressed my cheeks and I quickly tried taming the loose strands behind my ear.

I continued walking towards the side of the building with my fingers hovering over Rhen's name on my phone. Maybe I should call her. This was starting to get really sketchy.

Just when I was about to call her, a panicked voice stopped me from going further. "Jackson, just leave. You are making things worst than it already is." I walked faster in the direction of the voice and less than ten seconds later, my eyes fell onto Rhen with glossy eyes and Jackson with pleading ones.

"Let me explain what happened, okay?" He stepped towards her and her eyes widened with a scowl plastered on her face.

I was now beside Rhen, watching Jackson carefully. "I don't need you to explain! I was there!" Rhen wasn't as panicked as the last time she saw Jackson. She was cautious of him but her voice was strong and final.

Jackson gripped his head and bent over as he shook his head. He then looked up at me with a slight smile and an imaginary light bulb above his head popped up. Whatever idea he had would not be considered by me.

He then quickly made his way towards me and I instinctively took a step back. His hands wrapped around both my upper arms as his face pleaded to me. "Stella, please just help her listen to me." I shrugged off his hand, glancing at Rhen who made a face at him.

The way Jackson was acting had almost made me give in and listen. He looked genuine but that was just looks. Looks can be deceiving. Two years ago he looked really genuine and all that went to shit when Rhen was not so genuinely laying at the bottom of a stairs with a leg that was broken in three places. Jackson had done that and I didn't think he had any explanation for his actions.

"Stella-" He started but was cut off by a sharp voice.

"What is going on here?" Lucas asked with clenched jaws, his eyes glaring at Jackson whose hands were still on my arm as I tried wiggling free. Jackson's mouth opened to speak but Lucas talked over him. "No dude, back the hell up." Lucas grabbed onto his arm then shoved him away. Jackson looked annoyed. "You okay?" He whispered, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I nodded as I bit my lip nervously.

He then turned to Rhen. "Rhen? You good?" She nodded quickly and then he turned towards Jackson with hard eyes. "What does this creep want? I doubt it's a broken rib and a missing front tooth." He cracked his knuckles, glaring at Jackson whose eyes shifted from Lucas' face to his fisted hands.

Guys? This was why I didn't bring Lucas along. Somehow I knew the night would end with him in a crappy jail cell and Rhen and I sitting with a police officer telling him exactly why Jackson was laying in a hospital bed with a broken rib and a missing tooth.

I placed a hand on his arm to calm him down. He was already loosening his neck tie and unbuttoning his buttons near his wrist.

"Look, I'm just Jackson, okay? My intentions aren't to cause trouble." He explained to Lucas and Rhen snorted and turned away while I continued rubbing my arms. As if on cue, Lucas shrugged off his jacket and placed it on my shoulders. I silently thanked him. The warmth it brought was very much needed and appreciated.

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