Chapter 16-What's With The Crappy Behaviour?

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"Hey! You showed up just in time!" Daron greets. I smile and enter the restaurant.

Huge pink and red hearts hang from strings in the ceiling and beautiful writings cover the walls. I notice the restaurant is decorated to fit the theme 'romance'. The round tables and chairs that are usually scattered around the room are not present. Long, plush, white couches line the walls with tables at the front of each. The floors are carpeted in a pink fluffy fabric and there is a cleared space in the middle that will probably be the dance floor.

It is beautifully decorated. "So, what now?" I ask while I look around. He tugs me to a door and I follow. We enter an empty kitchen area and he hands me a chef hat and an apron. I wash my hands then sanitize it. "So, where are the other chefs for this thing?" I question. Pots and spoons hang from hooks on the cupboards and a long table stretches across the room with other kitchen utensils.

Daron opens the cupboard to retrieve a chocolate syrup. He then uncovers a large bowl to reveal strawberries. "They left like an hour ago and should be back in two hours time." He explains as he pours syrup onto the strawberries. "Can you do this?" He questions and motions to the strawberries. I quirk an eyebrow.

"It looks quite technical with the syrup being poured on the strawberries but I think I got it under control." I state, playfully. He laughs and passes the bowl and syrup to me.

Daron moves on to the sandwiches. "So, you coming later?" He throws a quick glance at me as he pastes cheese onto the sandwich.

I shake my head "If you haven't noticed, this seems like a rerun of valentines." I place the syrup next to the bowl, finish with the strawberries.

"Mom likes the idea of love. Young love. That's why this is strictly for teens." I watch him.

"Oh. I thought it was an all ages kind of thing."

"Nah. There's one for the adults next week. Only less youthful and more formal." I nod in understanding. "Plus if you come, you'll get free food for helping out in the kitchen." He bargains while he hands me a bag of marshmallows.

I stare at it for a while then a huge grin spreads across my face. "White smushy things?" I ask, waving the packet of marshmallows in my hand.

He burst into laughing. "At the time I forgot they were called that." He squints at the name. "Harshmellows?" He pronounces, still squinting at the packet.

I open the packet, amused. "Marshmallows." I correct. He really doesn't know what this is. His face twists into a grimace and I am confuse. "What? You don't like it?"

He shakes his head. "I hate it. It looks good but it doesn't taste good." My mouth opens in shock.

"Who doesn't like marshmallows? Everyone likes marshmallows." I scold as I pour syrup over the marshmallows.

"I don't. They taste weird." His face contorts as he eyes the marshmallows with disdain.

"I'm referring to actual people here." I can't contain my laughter when saying this. The look on his face when I said that is between one of disappointment and amusement. "You're weird." I state with a grin.

"I'm weird because I hate marshmallows?" He inquires with a small smile tugging at his lips and I grin. This is probably the most normal I had ever seen Daron. We are actually having a conversation that doesn't include us going for each other's throats.

"Nope. You're weird because you want to buy me a cat then kill it." I am laughing hard now. I was so confused that day.

"I know. When I entered the parking lot I realised how much I like cats and animals. They are cute. So then I decided to not kill your cat." He rambles on and I listen with a smile never leaving my face. Lucas is right about Daron growing on me. He's the kind of person who will make you smile without trying at all.

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