Chapter 15: I'm Sorry

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It was stupid, I know. I shouldn't have yelled at her and I shouldn't have said all those things to her. Especially when I didn't mean it. Spending time with Stella is the best part of my day. I feel different when I hang out with her. Like I can be myself or do stupid things without her judging me. The image of her face when I told her that she was basically intruding way too much on my life was replaying in my head.

That isn't true at all. Stella is my life.

My mind backtracks to the night after Casey and I came from the library where we ran into Stella the day before yesterday.

Casey and I climb her steps then stop at the front door. She opens the door, pauses, closes it then turn to face me. Her blonde hair blows a little in the wind and her blue eyes watch me nervously. "Can we talk?" She says in a small voice.

I shift, a bit uncomfortable. Is she breaking up with me? Nah, probably not. If anyone is doing the breaking up in my relationships it's me. Why does she look like she's about to throw up though?

"Sure. What about?" I say, casually as I place my hands in my front pocket.

"Stella." She answers and I stiffen. I was dreading this conversation for the three weeks we had been dating. Every girlfriend I had ever been with had a point in time where they would talk about Stels and I's relationship.

Seriously they need to stop. Stella will be Stella. I will be me. We will not change our friendship for anyone. Simple as that.

"What about?" I grit and she opens her mouth slightly then closes it.

"I just think you guys spend so much time together, we barely have time for each other, you know?" She's fiddling with the loose threads on her t-shirt. Her eyes are to the floor. My eyebrows crease as I take a deep breath. "I mean, you guys are always together! You don't have to always hang out with her, Lucas. You have me now. When I text you, you're always doing something for Stella. When I want you to come over, you're always at Stella's. We-we went to the library today and she was there!"

I close my eyes as I listen to her drone on about things she wants change in our relationship. I can easily change things for a relationship. Just not my friendship with Stella. That's unchangeable.

"And no, I'm not jealous. I just want more of your presence and time and attention." She shrugs with her teeth biting down on her bottom lip as she analyses my reaction. I can tell she's nervous. She's usually quiet and I'm sure it took a lot for her to confess her concerns. She looks so cute standing there all nervous. Casey taps her fingers against her legs, her eyes piercing mine. Her beautiful blue eyes.

So different from Stella's.

Stella's eyes are more beautiful. It's a jade green and even though we both have green eyes, hers are more fascinating. It compliments her entire face while her thick lashes shadow...I clear my throat. Focus. On the...doorpost?

I really like Casey. She has an amazing personality. She's reserved and observant and smart. She's different from my previous girlfriends and I really need someone like her in my life. Caring and smart.

I slowly make my way to her to bring both my hands to cup her cheeks. I look down at her then kisses her lightly on the lips. "I will spend more time with you. And when you text me to come over, I'll be there. And I'm sure the next time we go at the library, Stella won't be there. That was purely a coincidence earlier."

She smiles up at me, adoringly. I grin and smoothe her hair back. "Casey, are you going to get in here or just continue to make out with your boyfriend on our parents' porch?" Her brother calls out from inside. She rolls her eyes and I laugh, softly. Before entering the house, she mutters a goodbye and gives me a quick kiss.

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