Chapter 5: Hiking With The Pattersons

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I sit on the edge of Lucas' bed with my legs folded under me. I admire him. He is sitting on a chair with an easel and canvas positioned in front of him. His hand strokes delicate lines on the white canvas, his entire focus on this beautiful art he's creating.

He sits there with a bared chest, his brown hair tousled. I love to watch him while he paints. He's amazing at it and so much passion radiates from him as he does it.

I watch the way his arms contract with each stroke on the paper and how still he sits. I tilt my head as I try to figure out what he's painting but it's too early in the process to figure it out. There is silence between us and that is until he brakes the silence a minute later. "Want to guess what I'm painting?" I turn to him with a smile.

"I haven't the slightest clue." I answer then rise from the bed. I make my way to the back of him and plant my hands on his shoulders. He stops painting to look up at me. His emerald green eyes studies me. I squeeze his shoulders.

"I'm going home to catch up on a few assignments." I tell him as he fiddles with my shirt. He tugs on it, giving me a look I can't quite decipher.

"Stay a little." He begs while pulling me to sit on his lap. I smile and roll my eyes. His lips rest on my throat before he repeats his words that comes out muffled. "Stay. Just a little."

"Seriously. I need to catch up. You'll be fine." I bump my shoulders into his, earning a gorgeous grin from him. His teeth makes contact with the skin on my neck and I give a little squeal as I push his head away.

"Whatever." He looks away. Spoiled.


Mom isn't home when I get there. As usual. I take a quick shower before heading to the kitchen to cook myself a meal. Something I'm getting used to. Both Lucas and I's parents, well in my case parent are mostly never home.

I go back and forth between cooking and doing the laundry all the while listening to pop music. Outside begins to get darker as night rolls in. Fifteen minutes later I turn off the stove and scoop some spaghetti into a plate. I grab a soda from the fridge then make my way to the living room. Turning on the TV, I make myself comfortable and drape a blanket over my crossed legs. The TV is the only source of light in the darkened room so it illuminates it.

Leap Year comes on and I beam. That movie is awesome and way too funny. I bring the soda to my mouth, giggling at the part where Amy Adams fell and literally rolled down the hill while trying to catch a train which she also missed.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out all the while clutching the plate in the other hand. I stare at the screen. Lucas.

LucasBear: Gummy?

Gummy: Wassup?

LucasBear: Do you love me?

I frown at the text. What does he mean? In a friend way or...?

Gummy: ???

LucasBear: If you love me you'll come with me tomorrow on a hike with Charlie and his family, right?

I breathe out a sigh. A weight lifts off my shoulders.

Gummy: Charlie as in the Charlie who made you dress in a Barney costume for Lilly's birthday last year?

LucasBear: Hey! You promised you won't ever talk about that again!

Gummy: I'm sorry

LucasBear: If you must know, yes that Charlie

Gummy: Knew it!

LucasBear: So you'll come?

Gummy: Yeah but you owe me

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