Chapter 2: Shopping WithU

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I find myself climbing the vines that line the walls of Lucas' house.

Do I have a death wish? No.

Can I slip and plunge to my death? Not counting on it.

Lucas' parents already left for work which means the front door is locked and I can't enter. Of course there is the fact that I called Lucas like fifteen times and he didn't answer. He's probably suffering through the world's most terrible hangover. Serves him right.

So here I am, climbing vines like the freaking Jack on the Bean Stalk to confirm that my best friend isn't dead or something.

I reach the top and the window seems stuck. As if my luck couldn't falter any less. I try to pry the stupid thing open but nothing. To top it off, my foot gets stuck in the vines and me being me almost killed myself because apparently no one told me in situations like this, to never trust your conscience. It always shoots you undeveloped ideas.

I slip and is now hanging by one of the vines. I am now in full out yelling mode. "Lucas! Lucas, come help!" I manage to climb a few vines up and tap on the window restlessly. I don't want to die falling from a window that was originally a very bad idea. Then again, I used this window over a hundred times! I don't see why today is the day I am eating vines. Okay, if I am being specific maybe this is my first time using the window for climbing through.

A very disoriented Lucas opens the window and boy am I grateful. To my utter disbelief, Lucas watches around the neighbourhood and not so subtly closes the window. Horror takes over my face and I swear I gain some superhuman strength or some shit. I hoist myself up and tug the windows up and all but throw myself inside. I hit the floor with a thump and immediately stand up before I head across the room.

Lucas isn't in the room so my guess is downstairs. I go over to the bathroom, soak a towel then position myself behind his bedroom door. I am so teaching him a lesson.

I wait for two minutes flat and yes I am counting. He soon appears in the doorway and I swing the towel, hitting him directly across his arm. Lucas jolts, surprised at the impact. His face in that moment is priceless.

"What the fu-" He shouts, clearly caught off guard and wasn't expecting the impact. He skitters to the side, his eyes growing wide when he sees me. "What the hell was that for?!" He shrieks with amusement in his eyes.

"That was for leaving my ass for dead on your death trap of a vines by your window sill!" I scold while holding back a laugh. He looks so confused. So lost. Like he was caught for doing something he never knew was wrong.

"What are you talking about?" He yells back, slightly laughing. He really didn't see me hanging on for dear life?

I sigh. "Just forget it."

"Just forget it?!" He bellows. "I almost knocked you out when you hit me with that thing." He points at the wet towel still perched in my hands. I drop the towel with a chuckle.

His hand goes up to rub his arm slowly as his face contorts. "Sorry." I drawl.

"You better be. That shit hurts!" He admits with a chuckle. I smile and shift to the important subject.

"How's your hangover? How do you feel?" I ask cheerfully, knowing fully well he had been through shit this morning.

"Like I slammed my head against the ground." He confesses while rubbing his face. I snort as I try to hold back a laugh. A very muddy ground.

He narrows his eyes at me. "What?"

"Maybe it's because you did slam your head against the ground." Last night I was pissed with all the trouble I went through in order to get his drunk ass back home but now, the whole dilemma seemed rather funny. Lucas perks up, ready to protest. "Okay, so let me give you the entire story and you are free to defend yourself. Just know I have evidence." I skip over to the bed with my phone in my hands, ready to give Lucas the story of his life.

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