Her Boss's Baby-Chapter Two

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"Rain," Jane watched the office door close behind their newest client, before turning to her boss, "That man just admitted to rape, breaking and entering, as well as battery. Why would you even consider defending him?" 

"Everyone is entitled to a defense, Jane." Rain picked up his files, and turned to his desk.

"That's why there are public defenders." 

"Public defenders are incompetent assholes."

"He can't pay our fees." She pointed out. 

Rain shrugged, "He said he can come up with the money." 

"If he puts his mothers house up for sale." She threw up her hands, "The man is telling you he is going to kick his own mother out of her house just to pay you." 

"That's none of our business. Assign him to one of our cheaper lawyers." 

"How do you sleep at night?" Pointing to a stack of files sitting on the table, she said, "Every client that has walked through that door in the past week have been the lowest this city has to offer, and you've joyously taken ever single case. You know they're guilty, and you just don't care." 

He shrugged, "As I said, everyone needs a good defense. We have a lot of lawyers who need to cases." 

"There is no defense for what these people are doing. They don't need a lawyer, they need the DA to give them a deal." 

The office door opened. A middle aged blonde woman entered. Before Jane could greet her, the woman caught sight of Rain, and broke into a wide smile. She crossed the room on her high heels, and held out her arms to him. 

It was obvious by the stretched look on the woman's face, that plastic surgery was the only thing holding her together. What god had not seen fit to give this woman, she had purchased. Her large breasts were high, and unnaturally perky. They bulged out of the top of the impossibly low top she wore. 

The woman's white-blonde hair was frizzed in a style that had gone out in the nineties, and her short skirt left nothing to the imagination. When the woman greeted Rain with a kiss on each cheek, Jane had seen enough. She turned to go into her office. 

"Jane, this is Clarissa Sommers. She's the wife of a good friend, and long time client of mine, Allen Sommers." 

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Sommers." Jane forced herself to smile. This was yet another of Rain's special visitors. Beautiful models, and socialites who got special attention from him. 

Rain waved Clarissa to a chair near his desk, and Jane left wishing the double doors separating their office was solid instead of glass. 

With effort, she shut out the woman from her mind, and was deep into preparing a file when Rain appeared in the doorway. 

"I'm going to escort Clarissa to her car, then I'm off to the airport." 

"See you next week." Jane said absently as she went back to her keyboard. 

When he turned, she watched him leave the office. Part of the retrial for Lincolns Reynolds meant re-interviewing the original witnesses. One of which lived in a small town in Southern Arizona. The woman was hesitant to speak to him, but finally she agreed to sit down with him if he came to her. 

He left the office and Jane breathed a sigh of relief. It was Friday, after the last two weeks of dealing with his constant presence in the office, she was ready for a weekend off. The new trial started on Monday, and they were ready. 

It was nearly five o'clock when she shoved back from her desk, and stuffed her laptop in her bag. 

"Hello!" The man that stepped through her door had to turn sideways to allow his broad shoulders to fit. He was so tall his head nearly touched the top of the door. 

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