Her Boss's Baby - Chapter Twenty

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"They are so perfect." Nicole's voice carried the tone of awe she felt as she stared down at the tiny baby in her arms. The younger of the twins.

Jane gently rocked the elder of the twins, and grinned at her friend. "I agree with that."

Curled up at the end of Jane's bed, Nicole glanced over her shoulder to where Shyanne was sitting in a chair in the corner, "Are you sure you don't want to hold the babies?"

Without looking up from her phone, Shyanne answered, "Quite sure."

"Shy, you don't have to stick around." Jane said, "It's late, why don't you head home?"

With a sigh of relief, Shyanne stood, she kissed Jane's cheek, "Thank you! I'll see you tomorrow."

After the door closed behind their friend, Jane shook her head, "I've never met anyone who doesn't like babies."

"We've known her for years. She's never liked kids."

"I guess when you go through a childhood like she did, you come out on the other side with some odd quirks."

"These two angels are going to be much luckier than she was."

"I hope so." The baby in Jane's arms began fussing, nuzzling against her chest. "I think she's hungry."

Nicole raised an eyebrow, "Well, the nurse said you could try nursing if you feel you want to."

"I do, but..." Jane chewed on her lip nervously, "what if I can't do it."

"Jane, nursing is literally something that mothers have been doing since the beginning of time. You can do it."

"That doesn't make me feel any better." Jane untied her gown. "But I'm going to try."

"I just don't know how you are going to nurse two."

"I read that I will make as much milk as they need." Jane answered, "I guess my body knows what to do, even if my brain doesn't."

"It's amazing." Nicole studied the infant in her arms, "these two are just perfect." She looked up at Jane who had the other twin latched on to her breast. "That just looks painful. Is it?"

"Yes, and no." Jane answered, "I'm sore, but I read that's normal for the first time nursing. I guess everything needs to open and such, but it doesn't hurt for her to nurse."

"It's amazing."

"I know." Jane watched her daughter a moment, "I just can't stop watching them. It's so surreal."

"You're a Mom."

"I'm a Mom."

"They're identical, have you thought about how you are going to tell them apart?"

"The nurse suggested leaving their little foot bracelets on for a while until I can tell the difference."

"That's a good idea." Nicole unwrapped the blanket around the baby to look at the bracelet. "Baby Girl Wolf Two."

Jane giggled, "That just sounds weird."

"You have baby wolves." Nicole joined in the laughter. "Have you decided on names yet?"

"I haven't talked to Rain about it yet, but I know what I want to name them. I am just a little nervous about their last name being Wolf." 


"I just don't want anyone to doubt that they are mine."

"I don't think anyone is going to do that. Have you decided what to do about Rain?"

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