Her Boss's Baby - Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Look at you!" Jane grinned down at her daughters as they laid side by side on a blanket centered in the middle of the living room floor. The sunshine coming through the window and the footie pajamas warded off the chill of the November afternoon. 

With a half a dozen pillows under her, Jane laid on her stomach beside the blanket with her laptop open in front of her. Working on one of the many briefs she had typed out over the last few weeks for Rain's newest client, she was constantly distracted by the cooing of the two infants. 

"You're just happy girls today, aren't you?" She tapped a button on the colorful toy hanging over the babies causing the glowing lights to brighten, and the music to begin again. The babies kicked their feet, and screeched. 

The front door opened to admit Rain followed by Doctor Sylvia, and Nicole. "How are my girls today?" Rain asked, dropping to his knees next to the babies. 

"They are being so adorable I can't get anything done." Jane closed the laptop and climbed to her feet. "Good to see you, Sylvia." She said hugging both her friends. "Nikki, I'm surprised to see you. I thought you'd be spending Thanksgiving with your parents." 

"They have decided to spend their long weekend with some friends," Nicole informed her, "So I took Rain up on his offer to fly here for the weekend." 

"Well, I'm glad for that. I've got a lot of cooking and baking to do before everyone gets here." Jane glanced down at Rain, "Do you mind watching these two so I can..." 

Rain waived her off without looking up, "We'll be fine." 

"I'll be here with him." Nicole knelt on the other side of the babies. "I've missed these girls." 

"Randall is going to be here in a few minutes." Jane informed them as she led Sylvia towards her bedroom, "Brian's guys are flying back to Phoenix for the holiday so our protection will be Randall, Richard, and Brian besides the dogs." 

"It's going to be fine, Jane." Rain called after her. "Don't worry." 

"When was the last sighting of this guy?" Sylvia asked, closing the bedroom door behind them.

"It's been a while." Jane answered, "Randall thinks he's left the country and won't be bothering us anymore." 

"You sound like you don't really believe that." 

"I don't," Jane removed her simple sun dress, and climbed on the bed for the necessary physical exam, "I think he's going to come back when we aren't expecting it." 

"Randall is Richard Miles' brother?" Sylvia completed the exam quickly. She moved away to let Jane dress. 

"Yes, he's Navy, and has known Jamison Rivers for years." 

"He doesn't think Rivers is a problem anymore?" 

Jane shook her head, "No, he doesn't." 

"Well, he sounds like the expert in this matter. I'd trust him." 

Jane shrugged, "I'm just having doubts. I can't get past the fear that's built up over the past months." 

"That's to be expected." Sylvia sat on the bed beside her friend and patient, "I do have some good news for you." 

"What's that?" 

"Your body healed nicely. You can go back to your normal activities." 

Jane snorted a bitter laugh, "I've been in hiding so long, I don't even remember what I used to do." 

"Well, let me remind you." Sylvia went to her bag and pulled out a wrapped package. 

Jane took it from her, "What's this?" She asked, fingering the bright red bow wrapped around the pink wrapping paper. 

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